Every level adds 5% to your DMG and Healing Dealt, and 10% to your HP!
Leveling up will also decrease cooldowns by 2.5% per level!
Maximum level is 20 by default but can be raised!
Here's a list of the bugged abilities that dont follow the cooldown buffs...
D.va D.va Micro Missiles
Junker Queen Knife
Ramattra Void Barrier
Reinhardt Fire Strike
Zarya Zarya Barriers
Ashe Coach Gun
Genji Swift Strike
Junkrat Concussion Mines
Soldier Rockets
Symmetra Sentrys
Tracer Blink and Recall (Very Unfortune...)
Birgitte Shield Bash
Lifeweaver Dash
Big thanks to Nathaniel, Sombra is enabled now! Show them some love!