EZbad DPS Junker Queen Copy N0WFH Previous Next Description Snippet Comments 3 This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function. View original size This is my first workshop game made by myself (check out lucio sumo FT4PC) so hope you enjoy! Junker Queen These changes seem to fit better for the switch from tank to damage, allowing for a new and interesting playstyle. Role Damage Role changed from tank to damage Size reduced to fit the damage role Health Base health reduced from 525 to 275 Adrenaline Rush Now gets 25 temporary shield and a 25% speed bonus for 3 seconds when landing a final blow Scattergun Ammo decreased from 8 to 6 Jagged Blade Knockback reduced by 15% Commanding Shout Removed Rampage Impact damage reduced by 50% Players | 1 - 10 Categories: Hero Adjustments Tags: dps junker queen rework damage Heroes: D.va, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Mauga, Orisa, and 35 more... Maps: Hanamura, Horizon Lunar Colony, Paris, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries, and 30 more... Created at: Last updated: Current version: 1.0 Share URL: https://workshop.codes/dps-junker-queen Report code Snippet Loading... Fullscreen Copy to clipboard