FishoFire's 2d action sidescroller (broken till updated)
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2d action sidescroller game mode
- Main storyline and small side quests
- A lot of cutscenes and dialogue
- Bosses and mobs with custom AI
- full 2d combat against bots
- Plenty of zones to explore
- an ingame menu that pauses you
- Alternate game modes: endles arena, bossrush and most importantly Torb madness
- Don't forget to check the workshop settings if you are having trouble
- A lot of doom parkour and lava parkour references
Upcoming features:
- More bosses and mobs
- More side quests
- Items that modify your playstyle. for example an item that replaces your healing skill with a potion instead.
- More custom skills
- Easy/medium/hard mode
Known bugs:
- sometimes bosses reset full health and mobs respawn when you die
- sometimes you just miss
- on zoning, you can hit friendly npc's for a moment and wake up sleeping npcs
- junkrat tire control
- sometimes players or pets are the wrong size
Q: how long did this take to make?
A: a long long long time.
Q: boss X is to hard
A: remember to use your pet, shield, healing skill and atempt to learn it's paterns.
Q: will this ever become multiplayer?
A: No, that would take a lot of work. Maybe ill make a multiplayer version of Torb's madness tho.