
What is it?
Improving upon pluzorminuz's Nade Tool, this version includes an automatic aim calculator to help you line up perfect shots from the sky every time. You also save time trying to find starting locations because the calculator will tell you if it is possible to hit your target or not from your current location.

How does it work?

  1. Set your target location using the interact key.
  2. Move around the map and look for good spots to shoot from.
  3. As you move, the workshop code will use physics and hit box detection to detect if it is possible to hit your target using the high angle launch trajectory. (There are often two possible angles. One direct angle, and one high arch angle. We only care about the high angle for this code.)
  4. Hit your reload key to automatically aim your crosshairs where they need to be aimed in order to hit your target location using the high trajectory launch angle.
  5. Look for any landmarks on screen to help you line up your shots in-game. (Try memorizing where certain HUD elements line up with map elements)
  6. Fire your shot and surprise your opponents!

This mode is designed for Multi Player.

Supported projectiles:
Ana: Biotic Grenade
Ashe : Dynamite
Baptiste : Biotic Launcher (secondary fire), Immortality Field
Hanzo : Arrows / Storm Arrow
Junkrat: Frag Launcher, Concussion Mine, Steel Trap
Cassidy : Flashbang, T U M B L E W E E D
Mei : Blizzard
Orisa : Protective Barrier
Sigma: Hyperspheres, Accretion
Sombra : Translocator
Torbjörn : Rivet Gun (primary fire), Deploy Turret, Molten Core
Tracer : Pulse Bomb
Widowmaker : Venom Mine
Zarya : Particle Cannon (secondary fire), Graviton Surge
bastion: A-36 Tactical Grenade (secondary fire)
ramattra: Ravenous Vortex


This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

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