Normal OW2 control match with event system, and credits which can be used to buy in-match items.
Items give players a better advantage against the enemy team and can be earned through getting an elimination, healing, or passively by time. On the other hand, events happen every 2 minutes and they aren't really supposed to give any side a better advantage.
There are currently 7 events.
Weaker Gravity
30s duration
Basically low gravity mode
Everyone is invisible
30s duration
Makes players invisible to the enemy team
20s duration
The game go to slowmotion mode
Small Size
30s duration
All players get smaller
30s duration
One player on each team get highlighted to everyone. The first highlighted player to die gives the opposite team an amount of extra credits
Third Person View
20s duration
The game changes from First-Person-shooter to Third-Person-Shooter
Bigger Shields
30s duration
The size of all barriers increase
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