
Mirrorwatch (OUTDATED)

Mirrorwatch was a limited-time event in Overwatch 2 Season 10: Venture Forth. The event featured a new limited-time game mode which will have reimagined abilities for the heroes. The event will run from April 23rd to May 13 2024, So I remade it onto the workshop.


While Overwatch was at Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Talon launched an assault on the base, leading to a battle to ensue. It was then that Doomfist punched into Reinhardts shield so ferociously, it broke reality and led to an alternative universe where Overwatch Agents are now serving Talon, whilst Talon operatives are now a part of Overwatch


This game mode had no difference in gameplay from other typical Unranked gameplay. Other than the restricted hero selection, the only other changes for the Mirrorwatch game mode were the reimagined abilities. The selection of Game Modes were also restricted however, only having Control, Hybrid and Escort maps.

For the Escort map Watchpoint: Gibraltar, this mode featured a redesigned version, where it was Talon's headquarters instead of Overwatch's. (Using In-World And Effects)



doomfist Doomfist.


bastionBastion .


mercyMercy .

Reimagined Abilities

For this mode, the available heroes had their abilities reimagined, altered in ways that their Mirrorwatch counterpart would have instead. Whilst some heroes had updated abilities, others had new ones entirely. Below lists all the new and updated abilities. If not mentioned, than abilities acted as they normally would for the hero.

Hero Weapon/Ability Reimagined
doomfist Power Block Deploy an 800 health shield that blocks frontal attacks. Blocking 400 damage empowers Rocket Punch.
Seismic Slam Seismic Slam Grants overhealth to self and nearby allies when leaping
Meteor Strike Grants nearby allies 300 overhealth upon landing
Reinhardt Frenzy Rocket Hammer increases Damage attack.
Barrier Field His shield now increased damage from ally projectiles that go through it, similar to Amplification Matrix. Increases ally damage by 15%.
Narrow Path Earthshatter has a reduced spread to be a narrow path infront, but deals 275 to anyone knocked down, or 550 on a direct hit.
zarya Particle Cannon Secondary fire is a piercing orb that damages nearby enemies and is unaffected by gravity. Damage scales with energy. Functions similar to Moira's Biotic Orb.
Particle Barrier Upon expiring or destruction, it will damage nearby enemies and knocks them back. Damage scales with energy.
Expulsion Zone Launch a gravity surge that pushes enemies away.
Bastion Configuration: Assault Mobile, with a powerful shotgun.
Configuration: Intel Replaced Configuration: Assault. Reveal nearby enemies, increase attack, movement and Move speed.
A-36 Tactical Grenade Increased knockback. Deals no self-damage anymore.
Configuration: Reinforcement (WIP) Become immobile and deploy up to 4 allied Slicers. They are treated as players, can contest objectives, and be healed.
Echo Sticky Bombs Deploy slow-moving, homing
Flight Fly in the direction you are facing for a brief time quickly. Deals 50 damage and knockbacks enemies.
Focusing Beam Does damage as usual but now slows enemies.
Maximum Efficiency Increase attack speed and reduce all cooldowns.
Sombra WIP Hack Can now only hack allies. Hacked allies have an increased damage attack and overhealth.
Virus Deals 60 damage over time and decreases damage dealt from the infected by 50%.
Anti-Virus Grants 275 overhealth and greatly increased attack speed to yourself and nearby allies. After 3 seconds, 75 overhealth is removed. After 5 seconds, buffs ends.
tracer Bloodthirst After dealing at least 250 damage continuously, movement speed is increased and damage steals health from enemies.
Blink Take 60 damage to blink additional times. Cannot be used if you don't have enough health.
Widowmaker Widow's Kiss Fully charged shots reveal enemies through walls.
Silk Shield Place a small protective barrier with 600 health.
Infra-Sight Highlights weak points on enemies. A glowing spherical target will appear on enemies that if hit, will deal critical damage.
Ana Lunge Leap the direction you're moving with double jump. Functions similar to Hanzo's Lunge.
Biotic Rifle Shots now deal healing and damage instantly.
Biotic Grenade Deals decreased healing and damage. No longer negates healing, only reduces healing.
Nano Boost Applied to self. Biotic Rifle increases ally healing and reduces enemy healing, similar to Biotic Grenade.
Brigitte Repair Pack Instantly heals an ally 75 health and give them lifesteal.
Whip Shot Pulls enemies closer instead of knockback.
Barrier Shield Block 125 damage to empower Shield Bash. Instantly empowered when activating Rally.
Shield Bash Functions as normal. When empowered, sets enemies on fire, same as Ashe's Dynamite.
Mercy Caduceus Staff Damage beam now also deals damage over time to enemies near the target.
Soul Burn Detonate a fallen ally or enemy. Deals around 225 damage.
Revenge Gain the ability to fly and fire arcing rockets out of the Caduceus Staff, which deal 120 on a direct hit. Cannot heal with Caduceus Staff during the duration.
Zenyatta Orb of Harmony Heals as normal. Dealing critical damage will increase rate of healing.
Orb of Damage No longer amplifies damage taken. Instead deals 10 damage over time. Dealing critical damage will cause the damage to spread to enemies near the orb.
Interdiction Zone Place a field that prevents enemies from using abilities while inside. Functions similar to Sombra's EMP



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