
Key Features:

Point System: Earn points for hitting, killing, healing, and surviving. Headshots earn the most points.
Melee Boost: All heroes deal 300% more melee damage.
Limited Ults: Use your ultimate only once per wave, but gain a new ult when switching heroes.
Tank & Healer Synergy: Strong team composition encouraged.

Buyable Perks (only once per life):

Juggernaut: Double health.
Sprint Burst: Increased movement speed, even faster when hit.
Healing Boost: Increased healing output and passive health regen.
Double Mag: Reloading uses half the magazine.
Self Revive: Revive once in multiplayer.
Headshot Maniac: Headshots give bonus damage, but body shots reduce damage. High risk, high reward.
Pack a Punch: Double damage and huge ammo boost.
Wonder Weapon:

Winston's Wonderwaffle: Freezes and chains damage between enemies, but Winston has low health and limited ammo.
Overall: A fast-paced, cooperative zombie survival mode with unique mechanics, perks, and a powerful wonder weapon.

Hero tweaks special features
all heros dps/healers hp 100 -- tanks 150 starting hp
Ana - Biotic granade 50% cooldown - Sleep dart 0% cooldown - 300% damage nano boost pack a punch gives target teammate insta kill
Ashe - damage dealt 125% - coach gun cooldown 35% - dynamite cooldown 50% headshots cause burn damage with pack a punch
Baptiste - regenerative burst 25% cooldown - damage dealt 160% - healing dealt 150% - clip size 50% using self heal ability causes extra health pool with pack a punch
Bastion - reconfigure 50% cooldown pap turret form shoots homing rockets
Brigitte - barrier shield 50% cooldown - repair pack 50% cooldown - shield bash 50% cooldown - healing dealt 40% pap ult causes 1.5x larger and 1000 extra health pool and shield bash knocks down enemies
Cassidy explosive rounds pap pack a punch rocket ability shoots big rockets as well (+100 health when deploying sheild with/without pap)
Doomfist seismic slam knocks down enemies pack a punched
Echo pap causes explosive volley to shoot homing rockets
Genji pack a punch ultimate launches fire strikes with sword swipes
Hanzo storm arrow with pap knocks them down for 8 seconds
Illari pap knocks back jump ability causes enemies to knockdown
Junker Queen pap Axe swing causes enemies to be rooted for 4 seconds
Junkrat (with/without pap causes junkrat to become phased out during ultimate) pack a punch damage does 4x blast radius
Juno pap ultimate gives her multi rocket barrage when using second ability
Kiriko pack a punch ultimate causes enemies to move slower in radius of the player
Lifeweaver using platform gives low gravity - pap gives grab ability to buff teammate that was grabbed
Lúcio ult gives teammates extra health pool for 10 seconds - pap causes ult to root all enemies in radius of ult
Mauga pap headshot kills reset cooldowns
Mercy ult instantly rez's whole team pap ultimate causes explosive rounds
Moira pap causes ultimate to root enemies
Orisa pap with ultimatecauses orisa to grow 2x in size and deal 1000% damage
Pharah pap causes her secondary knockback ability to shoot homing rockets
Ramattra pap ultimate gives all teammates +5 magazines and +1000 points to everyone
Reinhardt ult with pack a punch knocks down all enemies on map - holding sheild up gives +100 hp for 10 sec
Roadhog has healing circle when self healing with pack a punch
Sigma pap attacks have 1.5x blast radius and gives +50 points per elim - holding sheild up gives +100 hp for 10 sec
Sojourn pap causes sliding into enemies to knockdown for 4 seconds
Soldier: 76 (with/without pap explosive ultimate shots) with pap shoot homing rockets with helix rocket
Sombra - hacking omnics disables movement -pap lets sombra be unchasable for a few seconds after going invisible
Symmetra - ultimate gives all players +200 hp for duration of ultimate- pap sets symmetra only, to be phased out
Torbjörn pap calling I need healing drops dispenser (last 30 seconds - 90 second cooldown)
Tracer using recall near enemies while pack a punch stuns them in place
Venture pap causes melee to deal explosions when getting an elimation
Widowmaker (with/without pap all teammates deal 300% damage) pap ultimate sets widowmaker untargetable - pap headshots while scoped in cause explosive headshots
Winston Now gets a wonderwaffle and can instantly kill anything
Wrecking Ball pap ultimate causes all enemies to go to position where he ulted
Zarya pap ultimate causes enemies to shrink into the blackhole and die
Zenyatta ultimate sets zenyatta phased out - with pap zenyatta does 300 dps to enemies in radius of ultimate


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