![THE SHERIFF](https://www.zupimages.net/up/19/38/rkgr.jpg)
Everybody is an Innocent at first. A Sheriff (Blue) is selected randomly, then you have to decide if you wanna stat an Innocent (Green) or become a Criminal (Red).
Criminal (Red)
You turn into a Criminal when you hit an Innocent or the Sheriff.
- 2 points/kill (+ bounty)
- Alone against everyone
- The bounty on him is half his score.
Example : As a Criminal if i have 12 points and somebody gets the final blow on me, he gets 6 points.
- Loses half his points when killed
Innocent (Green)
You are Innocent by default.
- 1 point / kill (+ bounty)
- Teamplay with the Innocents and the Sheriff
Sheriff (Blue)
Selected randomly among the players at the beginning.
- 2 points for each Criminal killed, whoever made the elimination
- Can also get kills and bounty points
- Self regeneration
- Speed Boost
- Flash Bang does not effect on him
- If the Sheriff dies, everyone turns into a Criminal, even himself, after respawn : this is Outlaw Time.
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