
Team Fortress 2 - Care Package Update

(Quick Disclaimer, this is just a fun-type project. Don't expect constant updates or anything.)

*This Gamemode can be played on any other modes and maps, except for ones where you cannot access spawn like Deathmatch *



Care Package Update

Its been awhile since i've updated this game, so i made a small update with 3 new weapons for the classes that didn't have any. The Auto-Popper, Blackbox, and Basejumper.

Welcome to TF2.

The Gamemode is relatively self explanatory is you’ve played TF2, if not heres the classes you’ll be playing.

Doomfist - Scout

Very quick and the access to a double jump makes scout able to dodge very well. But be careful, his low health makes it so if you do take a hit it’ll deal alot of your health

Pharah - Soldier

A high damage dealer that can kill most characters in just two direct hits. Able to rocket jump at the cost of some health, Soldier can dive in and deal big damage.

Mei - Pyro

Equiped with iconic Flamethrower, Pyro deals big damage up close and leaves enemys with a hurtful afterburn. Not equipped to fight in the open, Pyro excels in surprising enemies around corners and inside buildings. In those tricky situations the Flare Gun can be helpful, but its slow and uses up your entire mag.

Junkrat - Demoman

Equiped with a trusty pipe launcher, hitting consecutive shots is vital in killing an opponent. Hitting three pipe grenades guarantees a kill on all classes. Lay sticky traps down to soften up an opponent before going in.

Orisa - Heavy

Equiped with a very heavy machine-gun, Heavy is a force to be reckoned with. His damage output and health make him an amazing face-to-face fighter. But his slow speed and big hitbox makes him a target to long range opponents. Taking bullets all day makes you hurt, its nice to enjoy a nice samvich to heal yourself back up by emoting.

Torbjörn - Engineer

A trusty shotgun and wrench by his side the engineer will put up one hell of a defense. Collect scrap from killing enemies and healing from the map’s healthpacks. Use this scrap to use your wrench and place down a deadly turret.

Mercy - Medic

As the only healer in the game, your job is to help keep your team alive. But make no mistake; Medic is able to put up a fight of his own with her sidearm. Use your Ubercharge when filled to 100 to grant yourself invincibility and extreme healing. Even if a player is full health, top them off with some Overheal to grant them some temporary bonus health that could make them live that second pipe grenade.

Widowmaker - Sniper

A man of patience, the Sniper needs to be consistent in order to help his team. Being able to kill most classes with a charged headshot, the enemy team needs to deal with you or respect your sightline.

Cassidy - Spy

A master of disguise and assassination, Spy is great for sneaking past turrets and people with his trusty Invisi-watch. (hold secondary-fire to cloak, release to uncloak) When in position, uncloak and melee and enemy in the back to Backstab, and deal an incredible amount of damage. (Blue Ring means Invisible, Yellow is visible to enemies but still decloaking) (Getting Hit while Invisible reveals you for 1 second)


Each Class has their own weapons, each designated a weapon ID. Press Interact while in Spawn to access the menu. Jump to increase your weapon ID number, and Crouch to decrease. Press Interact again to return to spawn.
To prevent bugs, you must have your Weapon ID at 0 to switch classes.

+This means a buff or upside
-This means a nerf or downside

Weapon Name:
Item Number:


Weapon Name: Auto-Popper
Item Number: 1
+Upon killing an enemy, reload your clip and heal 75HP
-10 Damage Vulnerability
-25 Less Healing Recieved from all sources



Weapon Name: Blackbox
Item Number: 1
+Heal 20 upon dealing damage to any target
-1 Less Max Ammo



Weapon Name: The Phlogistinator
Item Number: 1
+Build 'Mmmph' by dealing damage
+Taunt on full 'Mmmph' (500 Damage) to gain crits for several seconds
-15% Movement Speed
-20% Damage Vulnerability



Weapon Name: Basejumper
Item Number: 1
+While grounded, press ability 2 (trap) to take 50 damage and launch yourself into the air. After a short time your momentum is stopped and you enter a slow freefall in the sky to rain hell.
-20 Movement Speed



Weapon Name: The Turbocharger
Item Number: 1
+5 Ammo per Second while Firing
-50% Movement Speed while Firing

Weapon Name: The Huo Long Heater
Item Number: 2
+20 DPS to Nearby Enemies
+Forces Nearby Spies to Uncloak
-3 More Ammo used Per Second
-10% Damage Dealt



Weapon Name: The Eureka Effect
Item Number: 1
+Interact + Crouch to teleport back to spawn after 2s.
-50% Turret Healing
-15% Healing Recieved



Weapon Name: The Overdose (Pistol)
Item Number: 1
+Movement Speed based on your (Ubercharge% ÷ 2)
-1 Ubercharge percent per Second while Equiped
-20% Damage Dealt

Weapon Name: The Ubersaw
Item Number: 2
+25% Ubercharge on Melee Hit
-35% Damage Dealt



Weapon Name: The Cozy Camper
Item Number: 1
+3 Health per Second
+Regeneration Extinguishes Flames
-15% Movement Speed
-No Overheal



Weapon Name: The Conniver's Kunai
Item Number: 1
+Upon Backstab, gain Temporary Health Dependant on the Victims Current Health (To a Max of 100 Health per stab, and 400 max at one time)
-33% Damage Vulnerability

Some items reflect TF2, but some may not have the same stats or work the same due to game balance and missing mechanics.

Game is a work-in-progress and is not finished.

Feel free to leave a comment with feedback and any bugs you’ve encountered.

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