
Hologram Ability Concept

(sorry about the Discord sound, too lazy to rerecord this video)


  • This is heavily inspired by the Hologram ability from Halo: Reach. The only difference being that you can detonate this one!
  • This is made on Illari and replaces Ability 1 (Outburst). You could apply this to any Hero, Ability, or Button, you just need to change some values in the rules.
  • This uses three Workshop Extensions: Debuff Status Effects, Explosion Sounds, and Projectiles
  • The decoy can be renamed to whatever you like. Currently it is the name of the owner of the decoy + 'decoy' (i.e. "1NTIW4RRIOR DECOY").
  • The decoy does not copy the skin of the owner, as it is not possible to apply skins to Dummy Bots in the Workshop.

    Variables for the ability

    Variable Description
    DecoyBot The bot that is spawned to represent the decoy
    DecoyDest Position player is looking when ability is activated. Destination of decoy
    DecoyActive True/False for if the decoy is currently active
    DecoyDuration Max lifetime/duration of the decoy
    DecoyCooldown Cooldown of the ability after the decoy expires/detonates/dies
    DecoyFlicker Effect to simulate flickering of hologram
    DecoyHP Amount of hit points the decoy has
    DecoyScale Scale of the decoy
    DecoyDetonate True/False for if the decoy is currently detonating
    RadiusOfEnemies Array of enemies within the radius of detonation explosion
    EnemyInRadius Each player in RadiusOfEnemies
    DecoyDestIcon Icon at the destination of decoy
    DecoyDestEffect Effect to indicate destination of decoy
    DecoyTeamVisual Effect for decoy visible to teammates of decoy owner
    DecoyExplosion{0, 1, 2, 3} Explostion effects when the decoy detonates
  • For any questions or issues, you can leave a comment or message me on discord >>> .oracles

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