1 Dad vs 11 Kids Supercharged + 2 sources
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.
An upgraded version of 1 Dad vs 11 Kids. New features:
Kids only need 7 kills to win and the Boss only needs 70 kills to win (instead of 10 and 100)
Hero changes
- Lifeweaver's Tree of Life ultimate pushes Kids away and the first pulse stuns Kids for 3 seconds
- Boss Venture's abilities have 25s cooldowns & her ultimate has a cooldown bar
- All of her abilities cause her other abilities to reduce their cooldowns by 5 seconds.
- Boss Doomfist's abilities have increased cooldowns if he deals damage
- All of his abilities cause his other abilities to reduce their cooldowns by 5 seconds if he deals damage
- Orbital Lasers chase after the boss and deal burn damage if they catch up.
- Kids get an aimable ability called Orbital Strike that charges up and deals damage if it hits.
- Orbital Strike leaves behind a white orb that temporarily creates a safe zone for kids when picked up.
- Orbital Lasers/Strike adds to a health pool that can be used by kids when standing inside the Orbital Lasers.
- There are 10+ adjustments made to the boss or kids based on who is winning or losing and by how much.
Full description
Orbital Lasers chase and deals burn damage to the Boss when they're standing within the circle
- The circle becomes faster and smaller when there are fewer Kids
- The circle becomes max size when there are 4+ Kids, and increasingly slower with even more Kids
- Burn damage dealt by the lasers gets stored in the circle as health for the Kids. The Kids can stand in the circle to automatically use the health to heal until it runs out
- The circle accelerates when far from the Boss to allow it to catch up, then returns to normal speed
- When Boss is tied or losing by any amount, Orbital Lasers follows 20% slower
- When Boss is winning by 10+ kills, Orbital lasers follow 20% faster
Kids get an aimable Orbital Strike ability that has a faster cooldown when there are fewer Kids
- Interact/
to toggle aim and Primary Fire/Left-Click
to activate - A shrinking circle chases the Boss at a constant speed and then sends down an Orbital Strike that deals massive damage to the Boss if close enough (fewer Kids = more damage). This also adds health to the Kids health pool within the Orbital Laser circle
- When Kids are losing by 10+ kills, Orbital Strike(s) also deal burn damage to the Boss while charging up if close enough to the Boss, and also adds health to the Kids' health pool
- Kids cannot use Orbital Strike for the first 30 seconds of the match
- Interact/
Orbital Strike leaves behind an orb that can be picked up by any Kid to create a temporary safe zone
- Kids within a safe zone are phased out and cannot be affected by anything (damage, abilities, knockback)
- The Boss gets repeled away when trying to enter a safe zone
- Each Kid can activate one safe zone at a time & other orbs turn black until the safe zone expires
- An orb can only be picked up if not inside an active safe zone
The Boss gets minor buffs whenever losing by too much
- Losing by 10 points (Ex: Boss has 10 kills, Kids have 2): "Dad is standing his ground!" The Boss has decreased knockback/cannot be knocked around as easily. They become resistant (not immune) to being Rooted, Stunned, Frozen, Asleep, or Knocked Down for the rest of the match.
- Losing by 20 points (Ex: Boss has 20 kills, Kids have 4): "Dad is keeping a tighter leash" Kids cannot deal damage to the Boss when more than 15-25 meters away
Other changes
- Cleaner UI & fixed the boss health bar. It strobes white/lightning blue when the boss is over 100% health.
- Spectators have a fully fleshed-out HUD whereas before they had none at all
- Kids can always double jump
- Kid Hanzo can double jump over and over after using his dash, without touching the ground
- The Boss can surrender by holding Crouch+Jump/
for 5 seconds
Dummy Bots and AI Bots
- The Most Damage leaderboard now only shows human players
- Bots will not automatically become Boss, but can still be made Boss by swapping them to red team
- Their above-head names (Ex: "Support 1") are hidden, but not their health
- If the Boss leaves with only bots & the host remaining, the Boss slot will stay empty until someone joins
Host tools
- The host can reset Orbital Lasers by pressing Melee+Interact+Reload/
simultaneously - While spectating, the host can reset Orbital Lasers by pressing Move Up/
- The host can toggle their host HUD by pressing Crouch+Jump+Reload/
simultaneously - While spectating, the host can toggle their host HUD by pressing Move Down/
- The host can reset Orbital Lasers by pressing Melee+Interact+Reload/
Balancing Recap
- Score-Buffs/Nerfs
- Boss winning by 10:
- Orbital (Burn) Lasers follow 20% faster
- Orbital Strike also deals burn damage to the Boss if close enough while charging up
- Boss winning by 1-9: Orbital Lasers follow at normal speed.
- Tied score: Orbital Lasers follow 20% slower
- Kids winning by 10: The Boss has decreased knockback/cannot be knocked around as easily. They become resistant (not immune) to being Rooted, Stunned, Frozen, Asleep, or Knocked Down for the rest of the match.
- Kids winning by 20: Kids cannot deal damage to the Boss when more than 15-25 meters away
- Boss winning by 10:
- Kid-Buffs/Nerfs
- The circle of Orbital Lasers becomes faster and smaller when there are fewer Kids
- The circle becomes max size when there are 4+ Kids, and increasingly slower with even more Kids
Orbital Strike's cooldown increases with more Kids
- The circle of Orbital Strike is slightly faster when there are fewer Kids
- Safe zones have longer durations with fewer Kids, and grow larger with more Kids
- The circle of Orbital Lasers becomes faster and smaller when there are fewer Kids
Made by ArknicTTV / Technic235
Venture FIXED | Version: Supercharged
By Technic235#1403 | Code: F5VKD
• Army = 11 Players (Need 7 Kills)
• Boss = 1 Player (Need 70 Kills)
• Hero of army changes every 60s
• Hero of boss changes every death
Original by Pudding#11884
Overhaul by Mamo#2560 | Code: AJYMM
Updated for OW2 v2.2.3 | Code: 23XVP
2.3.7 Upcoming Changes
- Boss Junker Queen's jagged blade stuns kids for 2 seconds when recalling the blade
2.3.6 Changes - 2024/05/17
- Safe zone orbs always drop from Orbital Strike and they slowly float towards the closest walkable position
- Boss's Vulnerability Area - when boss is losing by 20 points
- Added a pop-up message every 3 seconds for kids outside the area saying to get closer to deal damage
- All kids outside the area are pushed towards the boss every 3 seconds
- Disabled D.Va's Primary Fire/Ability 2 when outside since they dont respect the damage modifier/projectile speed
- When the boss is losing by 10 points, they become resistant to being Rooted, Stunned, Frozen, Asleep, or Knocked Down for the rest of the match.
- Bugs prevent this from working as intended so cannot make this to work half the time.
- Cannot seem to make the boss immune to hacking, despite my best efforts
- The knockback handicap still works as intended
- Boss Doomfist has longer cooldowns to reduce his overhealth generation & can be reduced by using abilities
- Kid Hanzo can double jump over and over after using his dash, without touching the ground.
- Optimizing: Converted rules to subroutines so they aren't checked every frame until they need to be checked
2.3.5 Changes - 2024/05/13
- Added a lightning bolt similar to Orbital Laser for when a Kid's Orbital Strike deals burn damage due to handicap
- When kids/Boss Bastion double jump, there are three white ring pulses instead of just one.
- Boss health bar
- The health bar slowly strobes white and lightning blue when the Boss has more than 100% health
- Health text stays a constant lightning blue when the Boss has more than 100% health
- Fixed health bar for Mauga so it shows the proper %. His overhealth made it look like he had 44% to start
- "Error" message pops up for Kids that try to use Orbital Strike during first 30 seconds of the match
- Other fixes
- Fixed host not being switched to Boss after a match where the Boss was a 2nd human and no other humans
- Fixed safe zones not being properly deleted when its Kid owner leaves, therefore breaking all safe zones
- Fixed projectile speed getting stuck at 0 because of an interaction between hero & boss handicap settings
- Fixed spectators not being able to see white bubbles/"No" symbols on kids that are inside a safe zone
- Moved orb creation to a global rule to circumnavigate a bug, so players that switch teams can still see it
- Optimizations
- Orbital Strike's aiming circle & shrinking circle combined into one circle (entity)
- Orbital Strike's aiming sky laser & sky laser combined into one laser (entity)
- OS's shrinking circle/sky laser are no longer created/destroyed, just invisible & their variables deleted
- Various effects only created when needed for the first time (lasers, safe zones, icons, etc)
- Removed all other HUD configurations due to high server load. Old boss health bar only used for spectators.
- Removed the patchnotes that could be toggled by holding Reload to reduce the total # of reevaluations
- Used the built-in spectator visibility options for HUD elements where possible instead of manually checking
- Combined multiple rules into one massive Initialize rule so less conditions are being checked
- Combined multiple other rules (Ex: healing kids/damaging boss inside Orbital Lasers is one rule now)
2.3.4 Changes - 2024/05/08
- Critical fix for Boss handicap where Kids could still damage the Boss from outside his leash range
- Boss Venture's abilities have 25s cooldowns & her ultimate has a 20s cooldown with a progress bar
- Using an ability subtracts 5s from the cooldowns of the other abilities
- Both Kids and the Boss start with their ultimate ready when they spawn as Venture
Safe zones have longer durations with less Kids, and grow larger with more Kids
- Example: 4 Kids or less = 4m radius & 10 seconds... 11 Kids = 11m radius & 7 seconds
- Changed visibility of the Kids' above-head "No" indicators, when the Kids are safe, so only the Boss sees it
- HUD tweaks
2.3.3 Changes - 2024/05/07
- Dummy Bots and AI Bots
- The Most Damage leaderboard now only shows human players
- Bots will not automatically become Boss, but can still be made Boss by swapping them to red team
- Their above-head names (Ex: "Support 1") are hidden, but not their health
- If the Boss leaves with only bots & the host remaining, the Boss slot will stay empty until someone joins
- Orbital Strike
- Orbital Strike leaves behind an orb that can be picked up by any Kid to create a 7-second safe zone
- Kids within a safe zone are phased out and cannot be affected by anything (damage, abilities, knockback)
- The Boss gets repeled away when trying to enter a safe zone
- Each Kid can activate one safe zone at a time & other orbs turn black until the safe zone expires
- An orb can only be picked up if not inside an active safe zone
- If close enough, Kids see a halo in the safe zone & the Boss sees a "No" symbol (like "no bikes", etc)
- Kids inside a safe zone see a progress bar with the remaining duration of the safe zone
- All Kids inside have a bubble around them & a "No" symbol above their head to indicate invulnerability
- Orbital Strike leaves behind an orb that can be picked up by any Kid to create a 7-second safe zone
- When Orbital Burn/Strike has no stored health, Kids cannot see the green circle
- Changed the lightning bolt visual so that it zaps the Boss from above so it's more noticeable (& looks cooler)
- Boss handicaps
- Knockback Boss handicap takes effect when losing by 10 kills rather than 20
- Vulnerability Boss handicaps takes effect when losing by 20 kills rather than 30
- Vulnerability area shrunk to 15-25 meters (radius) from 30-40 meters
- Added "No" indicator above the Boss, & a small bubble around the Boss, that Kids see when out of range
- Kids' projectile speed reduced to 0 when outside vulnerability area
- HUD tweaks
- Fixes
2.3.2 Changes - 2024/05/02
- Orbital Lasers
- When Boss is tied or losing by any amount, Orbital Lasers follows 20% slower
- When Boss is winning by 10+ kills, Orbital lasers follow 20% faster
- Slowed down its laser rotation (visual only)
- Raised the rotating lasers of Orbital Lasers off the ground by 4 meters (visual only)
- Added a sound effect to the Orbital Lasers lightning bolt
- Boss pop-up messages from being burned are slightly less frequent
- Abilities
- Removed the recurring pulse knockdown from Boss Hanzo's Sonic Arrow ability
- Added a light shaft visual effect to Boss Lifeweaver's Tree Of Life & only kept the 1st stun from the pulsing
- Kid Kiriko's double jump also replenishes from wall-running like with Hanzo, Genji, and Lucio.
- Added Server Load/Average HUD text for the host that can be toggled on/off
- Replaced 1 of the 2 Discord links in the HUD with a link to this page. The old/original creator's Discord link can still be found on the "Old" HUD setting.
- More HUD changes and added 2 more settings for the HUD display:
- Default (newly added)
- Hero Hints (this used to be default)
- Minimized (newly added)
- Old
- Shortened the amount of time it takes the Boss to surrender to 5 seconds
- Shortened the Orbital Strike blackout period in the beginning of the match to 30 seconds from 45 seconds
- Attempts at optimization
2.3.1 Changes - 2024/04/28
- Minor UI changes for both Boss and Kids (mostly Kids UI)
- Kids also get pop-up messages and sound cues when a Boss is in the process of surrendering
- All Kid double jumps, and Boss Bastion's triple jump, release white pulse ring "explosions" at the users feet
- Spectators can see Kids' UI and which Kids want to be the next Boss
- Spectators can hold Disable Camera Blending/
to see the patch notes - Orbital Lasers
- The host can reset Orbital Lasers while spectating by pressing Move Up/
- Added lightning bolt to the Orbital Lasers to visualize Boss getting burned
- Added sparking red visual to the circle only the Boss can see to emphasize DANGER. KEEP AWAY.
- Boss gets pop-up messages about being burned by lasers
- The host can reset Orbital Lasers while spectating by pressing Move Up/
- Orbital Strike
- Kids cannot use Orbital Strike for the first 45 seconds of the match
- Orbital Strike automatically activates when a Kid aims it for 3 seconds or directly at the Boss
- While a Kid is aiming Orbital Strike, a depleting 3 second activation bar appears for them
- Aiming of Orbital Strike is canceled if the Kid dies & cannot be toggled on until they respawn
- Orbital Strike cooldown only appears when it has 10 seconds or less remaining, instead of 20
- Condensed Boss variables into fewer Boss variables so they're shared between heroes
- Boss Lifeweaver's Tree Of Life (ultimate) pulses now push Kids away and stuns them
- Initial pulse stuns Kids for 1.5 seconds
- Recurring pulses stun Kids for 1 second
- Reduced Boss Hanzo's Sonic Arrow knockdown duration. (Pulsing effect lasts 4 seconds)
- Initial knockdown duration changed from 5 seconds to 4 seconds
- Recurring 1-second-pulse knockdown changed from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds
- Fixes
- (Hopefully) fixed issue with Kids not being removed from Boss list when they leave
- Fixed deaths not displaying properly on the Kids' damage leaderboard
Planned eventual changes
- Create special abilities for heroes
- Wrecking Ball
- Winston
- Optimizations: Move player variables/elements to global rules
- Using the hero settings causes the boss to do significantly less damage for SOME reason, idk
- Disable more healing/useless abilities for some Boss heroes
- Move code that disables Boss ultimates and/or healing/useless abilities to the in-game hero settings
- Make safe zones a global variable so players leaving doesn't cause their safe zone to disappear prematurely
This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.
