This is a Revision of my other created Splatoon game mode.
Turf War game mode
- Earn points by splatting the ground/ walls. Team with highest points gets a Match point. First to "3"
Unique ultimate ability added
- Moira ultimate splats ground multiple times in front of her in straight line.
Better Map rotation
- Map will rotate after each round until one team wins the match.
Better Spawn
- Each team now spawn on the opposite sides and given equal time to spawn by adding slow motion at the start.
Play area expanded. Still same mechanics.
- Players cannot splat and move outside the play area.
- Server Closed due to Create / Destroy Effects rule.
- Play 1 v 1 to avoid this.
Future Improvements
- Better and Compact rule for Destroying effects
- Server stability for Effects. (I hope)
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