OW2 5v5 Test Lobby
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.
Preview Video Coming Soon
Current Version Testing includes Deathmatch Mode
Workshop Options Updated to be more User Friendly
Overwatch 2 Hero Test Lobby
DEFAULT is set to showcase the changes from the Overwatch 2 Developer PVP Livestream
Toggle Option for playing with Hero Roles being tied to Player Slots
Optional Toggle for Custom OW2 Workshop Changes.
Hero Role Passives are Enabled when Toggle for Player Slots setting Player Role is set to ON
TANK HEROES :: 25% Knockback Resistance (stacks with Rein's existing passive)
DAMAGE HEROES = 10% Speed Boost
SUPPORT HEROES = 12 HP/Sec Health Regeneration after 5 seconds of not being damaged.
Overwatch 2 Hero Changes
- Settings Required :: Player Slots set Role = On | Overwatch 2 Heroes = ON | Hero Workshop Concepts = OFF
- Heroes Bastion, Brigitte, Doomfist, Echo, McCree, Orisa and Sigma are set to Disabled
NOTE - Role Passives only are Active if ROLE LOCK toggle is set to ON and WORKSHOP HEROES toggle is set to OFF
- Matrix Resource increased to 4 Seconds
- No longer freezes, but applies Slow and Deals More Damage with Primary
- Ultimate ability now provides 750 Temporary Health instead of Shields
- Can Cancel Charge with Primary Fire or Secondary Fire
- Firestrike :: 2 charges with an 8 second recharge rate
- Overloaded - Now provides Torbjorn with 100 Bonus Health instead of Armor (green)
- Secondary Fire charges up Bolt of Tesla Lightning (Range :: 20m - Damage = 37.5 - 75)
- Adaptive Shields - Shield Over-Health Replaced by Temporary Health (green)
- Shared Bubble Cooldown Charge :: 2 charges with a 10 second recharge rate
Workshop Custom Hero Changes
- Settings Required :: Player Slots set Role = On | Hero Workshop Concepts = ON
- Heroes Brigitte, Doomfist and Echo are each set to Disabled.
- Biotic Rifle now provides Self-Healing of 15 HP when healing Others
- Nano can be used on yourself by Holding button for Ultimate while not targeting another teammate
- Matrix Resource increased to 4 Seconds
- Ultimate ability now provides 750 Temporary Health instead of Shields
- Base Health increased to 250 HP
- Secondary Fire Damage Decreased to 40 Damage per shot
- Combat Roll no longer Reloads Peacekeeper
- Combat Roll has 2 Charges, and Recharges over 8 seconds
- Flashbang Replaced with "Steady Aim" - 2.5x damage on headshot at full charge
- No longer freezes, but applies Slow and Deals More Damage with Primary
- Role Swap to Tank :: HP Increased to 400 Base Health :: Hero Model Scalar x1.12
- Ice Berg :: (Ability 1) Heals Mei for 100 points and increases Hero Model Scalar x3
- Ice Block :: (Ability 1 + Crouch) Heals Mei for normal 200 points and normal sized Ice Block
- Ressurect now revives targets with 50% of their maximum base health value
- Valkyrie resets Cooldown for Ressurect
- Now has 2 charges for Biotic Orb with a 10 second recharge rate
- Moira Biotic Orb Max Damage Scalar 75% (must be manually set in Hero Settings)
- Acceleration Scalar :: Gains Momentum quickly up to 110% move speed
- Primary Fire now applies slow to Acceleration Scalar to minimum of 60% move speed
- Concussive Blast :: Removed
NEW ABILITY 2 - Overloaded
speed increased to 130%
Gains 100 Temporary HP
Lasts 5 seconds
- Can Cancel Charge with Primary or Secondary Fire
- Firestrike :: 2 charges with an 8 second recharge rate
- Can Cancel Charge with Jump to apply Jump Booster
- Take a Breather Damage Reduction now lasts 4 seconds
- Take a Breather now applies 300 Healing over 1 second and 50 per second after
- Can Self-Cancel Whole Hog by pressing Ultimate button again
- Has Double Jump ability called "Poot and Scoot" on 4 second recharge
- Kinetic Grasp now provides Health instead of Shields for player using it
- Can now levitate upward while holding Kinetic Grasp by holding Jump
- Base Health reduced to 175 HP
- Hack Rework :: Removes Shield Health from target and lasts 3 seconds
- Overloaded - Now provides Torbjorn with 100 Bonus Health instead of Armor
- Shield Health for Bubble reduced to 500 Health
- Secondary Fire charges up Bolt of Tesla Lightning (Range :: 20m - Damage = 37.5 - 75)
- PRIMAL RAGE :: Winston now Deals 60 Damage per Melee and 75 damage per leap
- Grapple Cooldown reduced to 4 Seconds
- Shield Health Replaced by Temporary Health in Apadtive Shields
- Adaptive Shields now Provide 50 Temporary HP and Effect to Allies within 13m
- Role Swap to Damage :: HP decreased to 150 Base Health and 150 Shield Health :: Hero Model Scalar x0.92
- Particle and Projected Bubble Health now set to 150 points
- Shared Bubble Cooldown Charge :: 2 charges with a 10 second recharge rate
- Health Rework to compensate for Sombra Changes :: 100 Base Health 100 Shield Health
- Harmony Orb :: Applies Self-Healing of 6 HP per Second when Actively Healing another Player