
Pokémon: Overwatch Battles (Turn-Based Overwatch) by Voxcae#1233

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Pokéwatch with a twist: take your turns and choose wisely in this 3v3 battle!

Features and How to Play

This game has auto team balancing, meaning the team with a lower player count will get a strong health boost.
Status effects have been created to spice up gameplay, and there are different types with effectiveness and
resistance to other types. Input an ability, primary fire, or secondary to use an ability, targeted at the enemy
closest to your crosshair. Do note that each ability has PP to prevent repeated usage. Using a strong ability
puts all of your strong abilities on a higher risk of missing, so be extra careful! There are also multiple stats to
keep track of in order to optimize your gameplay.


  • Attack: Affects damage dealt.
  • Defense: Affects damage received.
  • Accuracy: Affects your ability to use moves, PASSIVE ATTACKS ARE AFFECTED.
  • Evasiveness: Increases your chances to dodge attacks.
  • Speed: Determines who goes first when attacking.

Note: Moves DO NOT have individual accuracy and most moves
do not have an individual speed. Every move has unique damage.



  • This encompasses vanilla Overwatch heroes with high HP or high sustainability.
  • Strong against: None
  • Weak to: Brute Force
  • Resistant to: Divers


  • This encompasses vanilla Overwatch heroes with high mobility.
  • Strong against: Snipers
  • Weak to: Disruptors
  • Resistant to: Snipers


  • This encompasses vanilla Overwatch heroes specializing in long-ranged combat.
  • Strong against: Brute Force
  • Weak to: Divers
  • Resistant to: Disruptors

Brute Force

  • This encompasses vanilla Overwatch heroes with high damage outputs, especially at close range. Most will counter tanks.
  • Strong against: Durability, Disruptors
  • Weak to: Snipers
  • Resistant to: None


  • This encompasses vanilla Overwatch heroes specializing in crowd control, freedom-impairing status effects, or anti-dive capability.
  • Strong against: Divers
  • Weak to: Brute Force
  • Resistant to: Divers

Status Effects


Target is unable to use any moves unless damaged, or the sleep runs out (after 3 turns).


Target is unable to use an attack for the current turn.


Target takes 15 damage each turn for 10 turns.



  • Type: Sniper
  • Prime Fire: Sniper Type
  • Secondary Fire: No damage, raises her own accuracy
  • Ability 1: Disruptor type, sleeps target, has low accuracy if it or another strong move is used
  • Ability 2: Disruptor type, poisons target, has low accuracy if it or another strong move is used


  • Type: Diver, Disruptor
  • Prime Fire: No type
  • Secondary Fire: Diver type, lowers his own evasiveness
  • Ability 1: Disruptor type, lowers target's speed
  • Ability 2: No type


  • Type: Diver
  • Prime Fire: No type
  • Secondary Fire: Diver type
  • Ability 1: Diver type, raises your speed and attack
  • Ability 2: Durability type, no initial damage but prevents incoming damage and deals it back, has low accuracy if it or another strong move is used


  • Type: Sniper
  • Prime Fire: Sniper Type
  • Secondary Fire: No damage, raises his attack and defense
  • Ability 1: Disruptor type, lowers target's evasiveness and increases your accuracy
  • Ability 2: Brute Force type


  • Type: Brute Force
  • Prime Fire: Brute Force type
  • Secondary Fire: No damage, burns him and his target but increases his attack, has low accuracy if it or another strong move is used
  • Ability 1: Diver type, lowers target's evasiveness and increases his
  • Ability 2: Disruptor type, lowers target's defense has a chance to make target stun


  • Type: Diver, Disruptor
  • Prime Fire: No type
  • Secondary Fire: Disruptor type, lowers target's defense
  • Ability 1: No type, swaps between heals and speed
  • Ability 2: Amps current song, heals team if on heal, speeds team if on speed.


  • Type: Disruptor
  • Prime Fire: Sniper type
  • Secondary Fire: Brute Force type
  • Ability 1: No damage, increases his speed and evasiveness
  • Ability 2: Disruptor type, stuns target if used first


  • Type: Brute Force
  • Prime Fire: Brute Force
  • Secondary Fire: Increases his own evasiveness
  • Ability 1: No damage, prevents him from taking damage, has low accuracy if it or another strong move is used
  • Ability 2: Brute Force type, no initial damage but disappears, invulnerable for 1 turn, then deals damage on the next turn, has low accuracy if it or another strong move is used


  • Type: Durability, Disruptor
  • Prime Fire: No type
  • Secondary Fire: Brute Force Type
  • Ability 1: Disruptor type, lowers target's defense and speed, has a chance of making the target flinch
  • Ability 2: No type, deals self healing and increases his own defense.


  • Type: Diver
  • Prime Fire: No type
  • Secondary Fire/Ability 1 (PP isn't shared): Diver type, increases her speed and evasiveness
  • Ability 2: Recalls her health from 3 turns ago (or first turn if not 3 turns in), has low accuracy if it or another strong move is used


  • Type: Durability, Diver
  • Prime Fire: Diver type
  • Secondary Fire: Damage increases as health lowers, capped at 120
  • Ability 1: Diver type, increases his own speed and attack
  • Ability 2: No type, increases team's defense\

Overpowered Moves

These moves have extremely low accuracy if used in succession, the effect is shared between abilities
and is not individual. They also generally have low PP.

  • Primary Fire: I'm not doing anyone dirty.
  • Secondary Fire: Junkrat
  • Ability 1: Ana, Reaper
  • Ability 2: Ana, Genji, Reaper (Medium Effect), Tracer, McCree (Mildly Affected)

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