
The Game of Crazy Comparisons! Each round features a word, and players must choose the card from their deck that best matches the word. One player will be selected as the Judge, and chooses the best card out of all the players. The player with the winning card earns a point, whoever scores the most will win the match!

  • Play with up to 12 players!
  • Create crazy combinations with over 600+ cards and words
  • While You Wait: Through Workshop settings, hosts can spawn in bots to substitute for players until they join. Players who are queuing for a match may also join in during the game.

To access Workshop Settings, head to Lobby, then Settings, then Workshop Settings.

Setting Setting Description
Use Small Card Text Determines whether the gamemode will use small text for displaying cards
Use Small UI Text Determines whether the gamemode will use small text for displaying other UI elements
Reduce Effects Determines whether the gamemode will use reduced visual effects
Game Style Determines the rules that the gamemode will use.
Default Apples: Default ruleset
Crab Apples: Select the card that least fits the word
Apple Turnover: Cards are now adjectives, and the words are nouns
2 For 1 Apples: Select the card that fits both words
Score to Win The score that a player must reach to win.
Pick Card Time The time given for players to select a card.
Judge Voting Time The time given for the Judge to select a card.
Max Cards Per Player The max amount of cards each player can hold.
Enable Bots Determines if bot players will spawn in to play the game.
Skip Assembling Heroes Determines if assembling heroes will be skipped.
Enable Inactivity Kick Determines if inactive players will be kicked from the game.
Enable Reduced Timer Vote Determines if players will be allowed to vote to shorten the timer.

Localized Codes Translator
🇯🇵 Japanese / 日本語 (PHSCY) nakamoooooo

Source Code:

This gamemode is based on the Apples to Apples card game published by Mattel Games:

Have any suggestions / bug reports? Leave them in the comments!


This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

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