Battle For Olympus RETAKE (EARLY BETA)
Battle For Olympus RETAKE is my own twist of battle for olympus, isntead of being an deathmatch its gonna to be an 5v5 format team base hero shooter with playable and different gods to chose from
The game is set in a 3rd person camara, you are able to turn it off in the workshop settings
Current Playable Gods
Ares: God of war Role: Defensive
(NEW) Passive: Unable to be stun, sleept, froozen, or knockdown, take 50% reduced knockback
Reload time per bullet increased by 50%
Projectile speed increased by 275%
Damage (with hitting an wall) Is doubled
Cooldown increased to 7 seconds
Travel Distance (Speed boost) is decreased by 25%
No longers leaps you
Now stuns enemies hit
Cooldown increased to 9 seconds
Now gives nearby Allies Unrecoverable Armor (25 every 1 second)
Cd increased to 10
Now heals nearby allies the same healing you get
Mefitis: Goddess of Poisonous gases Role: Flanker
NEW Passive: When reaching Below 50% Health, Send an exploding gas that poisons nearby enemies, while giving yourself a 65% Damage reduction, 10% Ultimate charge, and healing overtime (5 per tick) for 7.5 seconds, while the 7.5 seconds you take 25% Less healing. dealing poison damage heals hazard
Poison Effect: Deals damage overtime, reveals the enemies postion to hazard's team
Reload time decreased to 1.15 second
No changes
Now poisons Enemies hit
Leap distance increased by 30%
Cooldown increaed to 8 seconds
Now poisons Enemies hit
Now poisons Enemies hit
Ultimate Cost reduced 9%
Zues God Of Lighting Role: Brawler
NEW Passive: Using an ability increases your speed by 25% for 4 seconds
no changes
Ammo reduced to 6
Delay before recall decreaed by 60%
Recall Knockback reduced by 95%
Cooldown reduced to 4 seconds
Now sends 3 Lighting Strikes in front of her
Now deals 100 damage to nearby enemies
No Changes
Maui Demigod of shapeshift Role: Brawler
Ammo reduced to 225
Ammo reduced to 225
Ignite damage decreased by 50%
Ingite duration increaed by 25%
No Changes
Holding The button for about 1 second turns you into an hamster, having 313 hp, but it damages you by 50% of your current form health
Holding the button for a second when in the form will turn you back
Cd decreaed to 2 seconds
Cd now starts upon spawn
Duration increased by 50%
Poseidon: God of the sea Role: Hybrid (Brawler and Defensive)
(NEW) Passive: The longer you shoot with Primary Decreases the damage you taken (Shown by an meter), reaching 0% would stun you for 6 seconds
Ammo increased to 125
No changes
No Changes
Cooldown increased to 12
No changes
Now send 3 waves that knockback enemies
Speed penalty decreased by 15%
Damage reduction decreased by 25%
Duration increased by 75%
Disables Blocks wave creation when use
Thor: God of thunder Role: Brawler
(NEW) Passive: An meter slowly charges, earning elimation increases the meter by 25%, gives you 100% ultimate charge, and increases firestrike projectile speed
No changes
Shield Size decreased
Now gives a 35% damag reduction, and speed boost when holding
Cooldown when broken increased
Holding jump when using sneds you upwards
Damage is increased base on your meter
Dealing damage dercreases the meter by 10%
Now sends you upward before sending you down the direction your facing
unable to earn by ultimate charge by damaging enemies, passivly, etc
Crius: Titan of gravity Role: Hybird (Defensive and Flanker)
Now has an clip of 8
Each shot takes 1.35 seconds to reload
Damage increased by x1.5 (Including AoE)
Now sends enemies upward
now only shoots 1 at an time
Now sends you flying in the direction the shield is going
Cooldown increased by 75%
No changes
No changes
Now enables infinite ammo
now makes primary (if you hit an enemy) shoot 2 at an time
Shakti God of Energy Role: Brawler
(NEW) Passive: Earning an Elimation adds 100 armor to your health pool, dying removes all health gain
Now locks onto enemies
Ammo reduced to 75
Damage no longer increases base on your charge
Ammo reduced to 75
now gives you 75 overhealth
now gives you 75 overhealth
No changes