
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Information about TDM code:
Since TDM is relatively more popular than FFA, though both supported in code CEMZE, but I mainly work on the TDM part, and created individual codes. Actually the TDM codes are just CEMZE simply with FFA disabled. The waypoints are two big to be put all together due to 32768 limit, so I have to split them into 4 codes. Here's the map list of each code:

Mapset1: H97FS
Blizzard World
Ilios Lighthouse
King's Row
Lijiang Garden
Nepal Sanctum
Oasis City Center

Mapset2: YGDRD
Ilios Ruins
Lijiang Night Market
Nepal Village
Oasis Gardens
Temple of Arnubis
Volskaya Industries

Mapset3: 3ZHKP
Horizon Lunar Colony
Ilios Well
Lijiang Control Center
Nepal Shrine
Oasis University

Mapset4: ZGMFF
Black Forest
Chateau Gilard
Ecopoint Antarctica

FAIR game against bots.

I call it FAIR because many other workshop AI uses some hidden cheat approaches like healing while idle instead of going to the health pack, or teleport to battle instead of pathfinding.

TDM and FFA both supported.
There's many options you can custom in workshop setting menu. Comment if you have any question.
In FFA mode you can edit bot quota and hero, from 2(1v1) to 12, all heros supported.
And I included my previous work that enables workshop dummy bots to detect turrets.
Adding new hero logics.
Fixing some bugs.

Most AI heros performs better than official AIMBOTs when aiming deviation is set to 0. But there's still some that cannot overpower official AIMBOTs, which are listed in the Image. I've done my best till now, and would like to get feedback or even help from you guys, thank you.

work to do:
More debugging.

Many of the inspirations are from you guys, and some respectful authors. This mode won't be here without your efforts. Thank you very much.

good luck & have fun!

Update log:


  1. Add a switch to disable AI teammate. In that case, enemy quota will be equal to human players.
  2. modify other modifications according to the patch notes, like melee damage, pharah abilities.
  3. Since every hero now can self-heal off-combat, default formation is no longer 222, and AI with healing heros won't target wounded teammates that are too far away.


  1. Nearest walkable position function removed to avoid high server load to have better performance
  2. Bot's ability to detect object like turrets can be manually adjusted.


  1. Split all the available TDM maps into 4 codes due to the 32768 limit. Code and maps included are listed above.
  2. Refine bot aiming with projectiles (Huge thanks to Spiderman31807, and his work Advance Aimbot G676V).
  3. Bots with long range weapon can better keep distance instead of rushing to face.
  4. New heros supported.


  1. Fixed a bug that caused bot to frequently aim and shoot at his own created object in FFA mode.


This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

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