1v1 Arena Deathmatch V2.35.0
Deathmatch Arena 2.35.0 (Code-> C374R)
The goal of this project is to create a fast and free-flowing 1v1 version of Overwatch. Current Overwatch is made for heros to be cogs in a team, supported with healers and shields, which will be absent in a 1v1 game mode. Because of this damage had to be scaled back significantly and team-centric abilities had to be reworked or removed. To compensate for these losses new abilities were added that better suit this game mode. Heros were also given different movespeeds, jump heights, and gravities to accentuate their unique characteristics. The new weights will also change the way characters interact and combo one another.
Hero Roster
Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SHA5e4n4k&feature=youtu.be
Brigette will passively apply a charge to enemies she hits with abilities. Hitting enemies with her primary fire will proc this charge and deal additional damage. To optimize her damage alternate landing abilities with primary attacks.
New Ability | Button | Damage | Cooldown | Description |
Enflame | Passive | 25 | - | landing an ability sets the victim on fire, hitting an enemy that is on fire with a basic attack will proc the fire and deal bonus damage. Charges do not stack |
Impulse Bomb | F | 25-50 | 6.5 | Enemies that are directly hit are knocked up and take 50 damage. Enemies within 3 units but not directly hit will be dealt 25 damage. |
Whip Shot | Left Shift | unchanged | 9 | now will root its victim and accelerate Brigette in their direction |
Whip Pull | E | - | 5 | fires a whip that will pull enemies towards her and stun them for .3 seconds on hit |
Rally to Me | Q | - | - | after .24 seconds Brigette pulls enemies with in a radius of 8 units towards herself and sets them on fire |
Additional notes:
- Shield recharge rate 100->1
- Whip shot knockback 100->49
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Healing Received | Health | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed |
New Value | 55 | 40 | 115 | 90 | 125 | 90 |
Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ttv7H1tsB30&feature=youtu.be
Cassidy can apply 1 of 3 special charges to Primary attack by pressing a given button. Cassidy can store up to 6 of his special charges in his clip. The charges will be put into a queue and will be used in the order that they are loaded into the queue. An indicator in the top left will tell you what charge is set to be used next.
Bullet | Button | Effect |
Frost | Crouch | Freeze an enemy that is hit for 1.75 seconds. |
Fire | Interact | Burn an enemy that is hit dealing 5% of max vicitim health for 5 secs. |
Knockback | Ult | Knockback an enemy that is hit. More knockback is dealt the closer the enemy is to the player. |
These will perform a bonus if you hit an enemy that already has a status applied to them, see chart:
First shot | Fire | - | - |
Second shot | Fire | Frost | Knockback |
Effect | - | Reduce victim's speed by 50% | further knockback & knockdown |
First shot | Frost | - | - |
Second shot | Fire | Frost | Knockback |
Effect | Deals 7% of max vicitim health for 5 secs. | - | Deals 150 burst damage, but unfreezes target |
Additional notes:
- Ultimate disabled
- Fan costs 50% of ultimate charge to use
- Only one freeze bullet can be added to a clip
- Reloading or using Secondary Fire unloads all charges
- Flashbang stun reduced
- Stun creates a 2 second blind
- Damage dealt 100->50
New Ability | Button | Damage | Cooldown | Description |
Tag-In | Ult | - | 13.5 | Doomfist summons a clone of himself that will use Rocket Punch after .95 seconds. Enemies hit by the clone will be knocked up. |
Rapid Jab | Melee | 80 | - | Doomfist's melee sends out 5 quick jabs. His speed is reduced by .3 while using |
Hook | Reload | - | 5 | Fires a chain that will pull hit enemies towards Doomfist and stun them for .3 seconds on hit. |
Seismic Slam | Ability 1 | 26 | 9 | If Doomfist hits an enemy while leaping, he will grab them. Once the leaping animation is finished the enemy will be released. Enemies that take damage within 5 units of the impact will have a chain attached to them. If after 1.25 seconds the victim is unable to get more than 10 units away from the initial area of impact, they will be knocked down for 1.75 seconds and pulled back. |
Dash | Interact/Crouch | - | - | Gain a quick burst of movement forward if you press interact and backwards when crouching. Immediately use another ability to extend the ability. |
Additional notes:
- Head shots reduce the victims speed to 70% for 2 seconds
- Rocket punching an opponent in the air will knock them down for 2.5 seconds
- Meleeing a knocked down opponent will cleanse the victim of knock down and apply a 1 second stun
- Doomfist can cancel his moves by pressing jump
- Rocket punch cooldown 100->250 knockback 100->20
- Ammo size 4->1 regen rate 100->165
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Damage Received | Health | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed |
New Value | 55 | 95 | 80 | 130 | 150 | 75 |
- To spawn her orbs you must press R. This is the core of her moveset.
Echo has two orbs, one white and one black, that will chase 8 units in front of her. These orbs can be controled in the ways shown in the below table. By default the commands will be applies to the white orb, but holding F while using a command will apply the command to the black orb instead.
New Ability | Button | Damage | Cooldown | Description |
Orb Push | Primary Fire/Primary Fire +Interact | 65 | 1.25 | Pushes the orb to 15 units away. Hitting an enemy will knock them away. Holding interact while firing primary will apply this command to the black orb. |
Orb Pull | Secondary Fire/Secondary Fire + Interact | 95 | 2.5 | Pulls the orb to 5.5 units away. Hitting an enemy will apply a .16 sec stun, and knock them away. Holding interact while firing secondary will apply this command to the black orb. |
Chain Lightning | Ult/Ult + Interact | 130 | 2 | The chain will shock through both orbs starting with the white orb if this is normal cast. Holding the interact key + ult will start the chain through the black orb first. Echo must be within 15 units of the choosen orb to cast this ability. While the orb charge is less than 1.25 the orb will be blue and knock enemeis up when Chain Lightning is used. While the orb charge is between 1.25 & 1.5 the orb will be orange and knock enemeis up and stun them for 1.25 seconds when Chain Lightning is used. While the orb is charge is > 1.5 the orb will be red and knock enemies up, stun them for 1.25 seconds, and deal 130 when Chain Lightning is used. |
Orb Boost | E | - | - | Orbs will charge when Echo deals damage with her Beam |
Additional notes:
- Orbs have constant collision boxes
- Flight cooldown reduced to 60%
- Flight cancels after 1 second
- Beam cooldown reduced to 50%
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed |
New Value | 80 | 140 | 110 | 80 |
New Ability | Button | Ulting? | Stamina | Description |
Shuriken | Primary Fire | Ult not active | +15 | Primary attacks will cause victims to take damage over time (bleed), 1% of max vicitim health for 5 secs |
Dragon Blade | Primary Fire | Ult active | -20 | Damage is determined by Genji's distance from the victim. The closer he is the lower the damage. Stamina cost restored if the move lands. |
Back Step | Secondary Fire | Ult active | - | When performed on the ground Genji will perform a backwards jump |
Smoke | Ability 2 | Ult active | - | Using Deflect while Genji's ult is active will cause a puff of smoke to appear around Genji for 3.5 seconds. |
Swift Strike | Ability 1 | Either | -40 | If cast with less than 40 stamina Genji will dash in place. |
Bunny Hop | Jump | Either | - | If a jump is inputted within .15 seconds of landing, Genji will gain 20% speed. Movement is reset to base speed if the input is missed. |
Assassinate | Melee | Either | - | Meleeing an enemy under 25% health will deal 200 bonus damage |
Additional notes:
- Ult is always available
- Ult staminia is triggered when pressing Primary Fire, so it will drain if you mash Fire while Ult is active
- Deflect Cooldown 100->20 Duration .32 seconds
- Swift Strike cooldown 100->0
- Ammo 100->70
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed |
New Value | 45 | 70 | 65 | 85 |
Demo: https://youtu.be/7sYjgnMORms
Hanzo plays as a trap based character. Control area and limit enemies movement options to help better land arrows.
New Ability | Button | Damage | Cooldown | Description |
Boomerang | Left Shift | 40 | 8 | On hit stun the victim for .5 seconds. Afterwards then it will bounce back towards Hanzo. Missing the attack or falling to catch the returning projectile will leave the projectile on the ground. If the projectile is caught or picked up the cooldown will be reset. |
Trap | Secondary Fire | - | 18 | Hanzo can fire two projectiles, one at a time, that will continue forward until they hit a surface. Once both projectiles are out a beam will connect that two projectiles, so long as they are in line of sight of each other. You can use the beam as a one way zipline by holding jump near it. The projectiles must be destroyed before you can set more. This can be done two ways. 1. if an enemy walks between the two projectiles and crosses the beam, they will be knocked down for .75 seconds and destroy the projectiles and reset the cooldown. 2. pressing interact will destroy everything |
Arrow Storm | E | Primary Attack - 40% | 8 | Reduces hit enemies movements speed by 15% per hit. Hanzo has his damage is reduced to 40% while active. |
Additional notes:
- Ult disabled, instead Lunge now cost 33% of Hanzo's ult charge to use
- Moving on the ground will increase ult charge percent
- Hitting an enemy with Melee will cause them to be pushed back
- Lunge cooldown 100->0
- Lunge dist scalar 100->150
- Storm Arrows cooldown 100->75
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed | Projectile Speed |
New Value | 50 | 225 | 165 | 120 | 80 |
Junker Queen
Junker Queen is a melee only unit that uses Wrecking Ball to help her track down enemies.
New Ability | Button | Description |
Ball Reset | Reload | Return Ball to his held position. |
Grapple Hook | Interact | Toggles Ball's Hook. Upon firing Grapple Hook, Ball will detach from Junker Queen and his movement will match your movement for the next second. |
Board/Unboard Ball | Jump | If Ball is detached from Junker Queen and Junker Queen is next to Ball, she will attach to ball. Press Jump again to get off of Ball. |
Ball Gravity | Left Shift | Sends Ball out to a target location 10 units away, then set gravity of enemies in the area to 500% for the next 5 seconds. |
Piledriver | Crouch | Activates Ball's Piledriver. |
Hunt | Passive | Run 1.75x times faster when an enemy is in line of sight. |
Additional notes:
- Wrecking Ball's damage lowered 100 -> 10
- Wrecking Ball's Health lowered 100 -> 25
- Junker Queen's Commanding Shout is disabled
- Junker Queen's primary fire now melees instead
- Press Jump to cancel Ult
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Damage Received | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed |
New Value | 50 | 90 | 180 | 135 | 85 |
New Ability | Button | Description |
BPM | Passive | Every second a beat hits. Performing an action while the beat is hitting will deal bonus damage. |
Primary Fire | Primary Fire | Hits apply a .24 second stun. Firing on beat will increase damage by 20% for the during the next beat. |
Secondary Fire | Secondary Fire | Can be use to perform a boosted jump by firing primary fire at the ground while in the air. Firing on beat will reset the cool down. |
Ult | Ult | Deals damage and applies knock back to all enemies within 9 units of Lucio. Ulting on beat will increase damage by 75%. |
Wall of Sound | Ability 2 | Lays down a trail behind Lucio. Enemies that walk through the trail will take 4 damage every .5 seconds per segment they are overlapping. Additionally costs Ult charge to use. Can only lay a max of 64 wall units. Destroy active segments of the wall by pressing 'Interact' |
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Damage Received | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity |
New Value | 40 | 110 | 125 | 110 |
Mercy and Reinhardt
- To spawn Reinhardt you must press Crouch. This is the core of her moveset.
Mercy can control Reinhardts movements and actions while she is healing him.
Mercy Button | Reinhardt Action | Description |
Crouch | - | Spawn Reinhardt. Spawns icon showing Reinhardts current position if he is already spawned |
'Acknowledge' | Left Shift | Use's Reinhardt's Charge. Charge will be interupted if Mercy stops moving |
Reload | E | Uses Reinhardt's Fire Strike |
Secondary Fire | Primary Fire | Uses Reinhardt's Primary Fire |
E | Secondary Fire | Uses Reinhardt's Shield |
F | Ult | Uses Reinhardt's Ultimate |
Additional notes:
- Mercy's Ult is on a 25 second cooldown
- Health Packs deal 45 damage to Mercy
- Reinhardt's knockback on Primary fire increased by 225%
- Reinhardt's death dont count against Mercy's score
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Healing Recieved | Jump Vertical | Move Gravity | Move Speed | Projectile Speed |
New Value | 60 | 30 | 125 | 70 | 85 | 140 |
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Move Gravity | Move Speed |
New Value | 20 | 130 | 140 |
Ability | Damage | Cooldown | Additional Effect |
Primary Fire | 100 | - | Applies a backwards impulse to enemies within 5 units. If they were hit with Moria's secondary fire in the last .75 seconds you will deal an additional 100 damage. Can also be use to perform a boosted jump by firing primary fire at the ground while in the air (basaically rocket jumping). |
Secondary Fire | 2-7 | 3 | Will pull enemies in if they are further than 6.75 units. Damage now scales by distance from enemy (damage range 2-7). The closer to the enemy, the more damage she does. Drains ult charge at rate of -.25 every .32 seconds. |
Ult | unchanged | - | Can cancel by pressing crouch. Aim speed is reduced to 50% while ulting. Every .48 seconds it applies a small knock back to the enemy. Moria will have 50% gravity while ulting. |
Melee | - | - | Meleeing an enemy will steal 20% from their ult charge. The victim will also have their gravity increased by 250% for 2.5 seconds. |
Readjustment | - | - | Press crouch to toggle Moira's projectile speed between 0 and 100. |
Portals | - | - | Press Reload and Interact to set up portals that teleport characters from one to the other. Setting both portals on top of eachother cause them to create a black mass that pulls in near by players. |
Additional notes:
- Healing from orbs will reduce Fade cooldown by 2 seconds
- Dash cooldown 100->225
- Ult duration 100->50
- Energy recharge 100->0
- Energy max 100->20
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Damage Recieved | Healing Recieved | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed | Projectile Speed |
New Value | 50 | 85 | 35 | 95 | 50 | 90 | 35 |
Demo: https://youtu.be/VHGE94xsTVA
Speed of missiles, for Primary Fire and Ult, can be altered by pressing interact (F by default). Missiles have 3 speeds and will do different damages given the speed. The speed/damage ratios are as follows:
Speed | 1.5x | 1x | .25x |
Damage | .75x | 1x | 1.5x |
New Ability | Button | Damage | Cooldown | Description |
Mine | Melee (detonate with Crouch) | 60 | - | On hit Pharah will set a mine on the victim. this mine can be detonated by pressing crouch and will deal damage to all players within 3 units of the mine .12 sec after detonation. It will also stun the player with the mine attached for .48 secs and knock them up . |
Missle Charge | Q | Base Damage=15% | - | Damage is reduced to 20% while Ulting. When on the ground, Pharah will surround herself with missiles and accelerate forward. Crouching will cancel her acceleration and her missiles will continue ahead of her. When she is in the air her ult will function as normal. |
Flamethrower | Left Shift | 2 per .016 secs | - | Deals 2 damage per .016 secs, range of 4 unit. Uses Pharah's jet fuel as an additional cost. |
Additional notes:
- Jump Jet disabled
- When Pharah gets a health pack she gains 50 fuel for her jets
- Movement speed in the air is 1.5x faster
- Running off of elevated surfaces will put her in a glide state
- Pressing crouch in the air will lower Pharah's altitude
- Ammo increased 6 -> 8
- Concussive Blast cooldown 100->50
- Hover Jets max capacity 100->65
- Hover Jets recharge rate 100->15
- Hover Jets cost 25 fuel
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Damage Recieved | Health | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed |
New Value | 50 | 95 | 110 | 120 | 90 | 90 |
Demo: https://youtu.be/KJmkO26t9qw
Reaper has two forms, which can be switched between by pressing interact, that grant different bonuses to his other moves:
Damage Form | |||
Ability | Damage | Description | |
Primary Fire | 100 | Increases Reapers attack by (85 + 100 * ult%), but he will take a percentage of the damage dealt as damage to himself. | |
Ult | unchanged | Functions as normal, but with large upfront damage that falls 30% per .016 secs. | |
Wraith Form | - | gains a 1.5x speed boost. Exits wraith form and resets speed after .75 secs |
Defense Form | |||
Ability | Damage | Description | |
Primary Fire | 100 | Heals Reaper for (110 + 20 * ult%) of the damage dealt by his primary attack. Primary attacks also have a stun that scales by distance, max stun of .3 seconds for point-blank hits. | |
Ult | unchanged | Hit enemies will be knocked back and reaper is launched in the air. Ult cancles aftter .25 secs | |
Wraith Form | - | Normal duration but cost 50 health to use. Upon exiting phase reaper will take this damage |
Additional new abilities:
Shadow Step - If an enemy is within 7.5 units of Reaper, Reaper will create a tether to the enemy. if the tether is maintained at the end of 2 seconds the enemy will be stunned for 1 second.
Materialize - Pressing Crouch while looking at another player within 20 units will swap positions with them after 1 second. 13 second cooldown.
Transfuse - Pressing Secondary Fire while looking at another player within 15 units will combine the two players health and calculate the average. Reaper and the target's health become the average of combine health pool. 15 second cooldown.
Additional notes:
- Wraith Form cooldown 100->75
- Ammo size 100->50
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed |
New Value | 70 | 105 | 85 | 95 |
Roadhog has a Gas meter that can fill up with secondary fire (max charge =100). The more Gas he has the lower his gravity is and the larger he becomes. When Roadhog takes damage, his Gas meter is lowered by 1.
New Ability | Button | Damage | Cooldown | Description |
Gas up | Secondary Fire | - | 2 | Grants +25 Gas to his meter. If using Gas up would put Roadhog over 100 Gas charge, he will get locked out for 8 seconds. |
Spew | Primary Fire | 40 | 1 | Spews out Gas in front of Roadhog. Applies 1.25 seconds of anti heal. Additionally costs 5 Gas |
Fart | Q | 150 | - | Releases all of the Gas he has stored. Enemies with in range will be damaged and knocked up. The more Gas he has the larger the radius. Afterwards, Roadhogs Gas is set to 0. |
Bump | Passive | - | - | Enemies that make contact with Roadhog will bounce off of him. Roadhog will knockdown and damage enemies if Gas is greater than 75%. Additionally drains Gas by 10%. No effect if Roadhog has less than 10% Gas. |
Additional notes:
- Ult is disabled
- Chain Hook pulls Roadhog to hooked enemy *Chain Hook cooldown 100 -> 200
- Pig Pen cooldown 100 -> 15
Attribute | Damage Received | Healing Received | Health | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed |
New Value | 125 | 50 | 108 | 160 | 145 | 50 |
Sigma's punches do more damage the faster he is going. To get the most out of his punches, try accelerating towards enemies with his Fly ability and Meleeing when in range. Enemies in the air will get knockedback further than ones standing on the ground.
New Ability | Button | Damage | Cooldown | Description |
Fly | Left Shift | - | 1.5s | While using Kinetic Grasp fly toawrds the direction you are looking. Must be in the air. Cancels when meleeing. |
Throw | Secondary Fire | - | 1.5s | Throw a neatby enemy into the air. |
Punch | Melee | 30-120 | - | Meleeing will deal additional bonus damage equal to Sigma's current speed x .65. It will also apply knockback to the victim. |
Gravity Trap | Primary Fire | - | - | Hitting an enemy with Sigma's primary fire will set their gravity to 0 and suspend them in the air for .75 seconds. |
Slam | Crouch | 30-150 | - | If you press Crouch while Sigma is in the air and at an altitude greater than 6, Sigma will attach a near by enemy and accelerate down towards the ground. Upon landing Sigma will damage equal to the altitude at which the slam was started x 7.5. Nearby players will also be knocked up. |
Hover | Jump | - | - | While holding jump in the air, stay in one place. |
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Damage Received | Health | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed |
New Value | 40 | 90 | 120 | 75 | 75 | 50 |
Soldier 76
Soldier 76's Movement Speed and Gravity scale based on the amount of Armor that he has. The more Armor he has the slower his Movement Speed and the higher his Gravity will be. Gravity starts at 60% and Movement Speed starts at 200% and will scale accordingly. Armor can be gained by picking up Health packs, which grant 25 Armor, or by converting Ult percentage in to Armor. Hacking Soldier 76 will remove his Armor.
New Ability | Button | Boost | Cooldown | Description |
Reload Booster | Primary Fire | 180% | - | While Soldier 76 is reloading if you press Primary Fire in the first half of the reload animation, you will cancel the reload animation and be given a full clip. Doing this will also boosts Soldier76's attack damage for that clip by 180%. Pressing Primary Fire in the second half of the reload animation will stun Soldier 76 for .5 seconds. Note that Soldier 76 is still considered to be reloading a few frames after the animation completes, so pressing Primary fire during this will also apply the stun. |
Wall Mount | Crouch | 140% | - | While looking at surface within 1 unit of himself, Soldier 76 will mount to the surface. While on the surface Soldier 76 will recieve a damage boost of 140%. If Soldier 76 has a Reload bonus applied he will be granted a bonus of 200%. Pressing Crouch again will release Soldier 76 from the wall and give him a 250% speed boost for 1.1 seconds. |
Switch Shoulders | Interact | - | .25 | Alternates the shoulder that the camera is over |
Armor Plating | Ult | - | 20 | Convert ult percentage into Armor plus 10% bonus Armor. |
Armor Conversion | Communicate "Need Healing" | - | 30 | Convert Armor into Health. |
Charge | Melee | Knockdown | - | Meleeing an enemy while Sprinting will knock them down. The duration of the knockdown scales with Armor. Having no Armor will not apply a Knockdown. |
Mine | E | - | - | At the cost of 25 armor, Soldier will lay place a mine in his current location. |
Additional notes:
- Soldier 76 uses mitsiee's (2S23V) third person camera code
- Ammo size reduced 30%
- Helix Rockets Knockback increased 200%
- Helix Rockets Cooldown reduced 70%
- Ult disabled
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Damage Received | Healing Received | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed | Projectile Speed |
New Value | 35 | 85 | 40 | 120 | 50 | 50 |
Demo: https://youtu.be/x-SWBRn4Ru0
Everytime Sombra collects a health pack she will gain a 'Component'. Components are then used as an additional casting cost for Sombra's Translocator, Virus, and her Camera. At the start of the match Sombra spawns with two Components
New Ability | Button | Damage | Cooldown | Description |
Ambush | Passive | - | - | Deal increased damage to enemies when they are not facing Sombra. Enemies facing Sombra will take 40% less damage. |
Accelerate | Passive | - | - | When Sombra is using Primary fire she recieves a 1.25x speed boost. She will also recieve a 1.25x speed boost when she picks up health packs. |
Dive Kick | Melee while in air | 35 | - | Perform a dive kick in the direction that Sombra is facing. If she hits an enemy she will deal 35 damage, spin the victim 180 degrees and stun the enemy for .3 secs. She will be in 1.7 seconds hit stun if she misses the attack. Landing the attack removes her hit lag. |
Leg Sweep | Melee while Crouching | - | 2.4 | Perform a leg sweep that knocks down enemies within a radius of 2 units of Sombra. |
Slow Down | Q | - | - | In addition to the normal effects of her ult, Sombra sets the game in slow motion for 2.25 seconds, Sombra will continue to move at normal speed. |
Wall Jump | - | - | - | Sombra can wall climb up to 2.5 units off the ground after wall running. Given another jump after performing this. |
Slide | Crouch | - | - | Double tapping crouching while moving faster than 5 units per second will cause Sombra to slide forward. |
Camera | Secondary Fire + Crouch | - | 15 | Additionally requires one component to cast. Pressing Secondary fire while crouched will set down a camera. Repressing Secondary fire while crouched will switch Sombra's view to the camera. The camera's view direction is determined by the direction Sombra was facing when she initially layed down the camera. While on the camera Sombra's status will be set to Asleep. Press Secondary fire again to exit the camera. The camera will be destroyed once the player exits the camera. |
Virus | Ability 1 | - | - | On hit, teleport Sombra behind the enemy and refills her ammo. |
Additional notes:
- Virus and Translocator additionally cost one Component to use
- In order to reach the speed threshold to Slide you can use primary fire
- Translocator cooldown 100->150
- Ammo size 100->75
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Damage Received | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed |
New Value | 40 | 105 | 135 | 120 | 105 |
New Ability | Button | Description |
Ball Out | Primary Fire | Sends out a ball. The ball will bounce off of the first surface it hits and return to Torbjorn. If Torbjorn is firing his primary when the ball returns to him, the ball will be sent back out at an increased speed. Enemies hit by the ball will take damage based on the speed of the ball. only one projectile can be active at a time. |
Change Up | Crouch | Temporarily reduces the balls speed by half. |
Catch | Secondary Fire | Catches the ball. This will store the ball with its current speed. The next time you fire your primary the ball will fire at the stored speed. |
Slow Down | Left Shift | Fires Ramattra's Ravenous Vortex. The speed and gravity of this projectile is based on the speed of the ball. This cant be used while the ball is active. only one projectile can be active at a time. |
Bounce Pad | Interact | Fires a projectile. Upon landing, a bounce pad will spawn. Walking on the pad will launch the player in the air. Destroyed after use. Only one Ball can be active at a time. Firing your Ball at a Jump Pad causes the Jump pad to explode. Deals 70 damage and knocks up near by players. |
Drop the Ball | Ult | All bounce pads turn fall from their position and explode on impact. Deal 25 damage and cause knockback. |
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Damage Received | Health | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed |
New Value | 80 | 90 | 140 | 80 | 115 | 70 |
Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3NjRdjVjuc&feature=youtu.be
New Ability | Button | Damage | Cooldown | Description |
Blood Thirst | Passive | - | - | Primary fire, movement speed, gravity, and grappling hook coooldown scale with missing health. The lower her health the more damage Widowmaker's primary fire (non-scoped) will do (max 1.15x), the faster she moves, the heavier she gets, and the faster her grappling hook will come off cooldown. |
Dive Kick | Melee while in air | 25 | 1.25 | Perform a dive kick in the direction that she is facing. If she hits an enemy she will deal 25 damage and will knock the victim down for 1.5 seconds. She will be in 2.5 seconds of hit stun if she misses the attack. Landing the attack removes her hit lag. |
Replicant | Crouch | - | 12 | Widowmaker will spawn a clone at her current location at the cost of half of her current health. The clone will move in the same direction as the player and continue in that direction. Re-pressing crouch while on the ground will teleport the player to the clone's current location after .32 seconds, destroying the dummy and taking its spot. After 5 seconds the clone will be distroyed if it is not alreaady destroyed. |
Enhanced Mine | E | - | 12 | Hacks enemy for 1.2 seconds and slows them by .5 for 3 seconds. While Widowmakers Mine is out her dive kick and the last shot of her unscoped primary fire will hack damaged enemies. |
Additional notes:
- Ult costs 50 health to use. If you have less than 50 health, your health will be set to 1.
- Scope is disabled while ulting
- Killing an enemy with primary fire will recovery 50 health.
- Ult duration 100->25
- Grappling Hook can be canceled with crouch
- Grappling Hook cooldown determined by missing health
- Venom Mine cooldown 100->80
- Ammo size 100->60
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed |
New Value | 70 | 105 | 60 | 95 |
New Ability | Button | Damage | Cooldown | Description |
Grab | Secondary Fire | - | - | Grabs enemies within 3 units of Winston's facing direction and holds them in front of him as long as the secondary fire button is held. If Winston holds secondary fire for 1.75 seconds he will enter a knockdown state and will be unable to act. Releasing a held enemy while flicking your mouse will throw the enemy in Winston's facing direction. |
Ground Smack | E | 20 | 1.6 | When on the ground, Winston will smack the ground causing him to thrust upwards. Grounded enemies within 4 units will take 20 damage, get knocked down for 1.25 seconds, and will be thrusted into the air. If Winston is in this area he too will be thrust upwards. |
Takedown | Left Shift | - | 2 | If Winston hits an enemy he will tackle them, stunning them while Winston performs the Leap and knocking them down upon landing. |
Seismic Wave | Q | - | 6.25 | Sends out 5 pillars in quick succession. Winston roots in place for .8 seconds while casting this ability. Each pillar will knock up and stun players in the radius of the pillar. The stun duration and the height of the knock up vary with each pillar. Max stun time is 1 sec, max knock up is 12.5. |
Parry | Crouch | - | - | If Winston takes damage while he is in the first .25 seconds of crouching he will perform a parry, this will freeze Winston in place momentarily. A successful Parry will freeze the attacker for 1.5 seconds, unfreeze Winston, and negate the incoming damage. If the Parry fails, Winston will instead remain frozen in place for 2 seconds and will be able to be attacked freely after the initial .25 seconds. |
Additional notes:
- Winston will spawn with his Ult active
- Primal rage duration is infinite
- Added 1 sec delay after each Primary Attack
- Primal rage knockback 100->65
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Health | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed |
New Value | 85 | 50 | 130 | 140 | 105 |
Demo: https://youtu.be/jxwDDfcqjqI
New Ability | Button | Damage | Cooldown | Description |
Control Orb | Left Shift | 40 | 1 | Fires an orb. Pressing Left Shift again cause an explosion that will knock up enemies within 3 units of the orb and destroy the orb. Hitting an enemy, that has been knocked up this way, with primary fire will cause them be knocked back and apply a .38 sec stun. |
Shine | F | 20 | 3 | Stuns nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds . |
Teleport | E | - | - | Pressing 'E' 1 sec after hitting an enemy with Primary Fire will teleport you to their location. Hitting 'E' again, within 1.25 secs of teleporting to their location, will teleport you back to your original location. |
Radiance | Q | 20-0 | - | Deals area of effect damage which scales based on how close the enemy is to Zenyatta. Closer enemies take more damage. |
Primary Fire | Primary Fire | - | - | Deals damage based on Zenyatta's current altitude. The higher he is the more damage he will do. |
Stored Power | Secondary Fire | - | - | Stores the damage bonus from the height that Zenyatta began charging his Secondary Fire. Landing on the ground will only grant part of the stored bonus. |
Additional notes:
- Ammo 100->40
- Hover by holding jump in air
- Does more damage the higher his altitiude is
Attribute | Damage Dealt | Healing Received | Jump Vertical | Movement Gravity | Movement Speed |
New Value | 65 | 10 | 75 | 30 | 85 |