225 {9s} reduced self-healing from grenade } {19s}
200. {8s} {10s} explode {1.5s} now, } Spawn with ultimate ready but is out for {10s} ammunition (11)
225 {12s} heals faster but only for {1.9s} {15s} {jumps lower then normal}
420 {3s} {2s} sense people miss Bastions old ultimate i am lowering the cd so that in ability (1) will have it more often in the tank mode,} have for {8s} but does +6 damage of A-36}
250 Damage dealt {110%} {3s} {50%} {4s} {15s} sorry Flats }
330 {3s} because of the amount of movement against himself, it becomes hard to move around fast enough to hit or Dodge damage, we want McCassidy to survive more well also making it easier to hit an enemy when they're running from their failing an attack on you, , now available on spawning ammunition (8) {18s} because of the amount of health and roll can be, we don't want flashbang to be to strong,
Hanna Song- 245, Mech- 980, starts out as baby Ultimate rate increased, {3.8s} Duration {4s} {3.5s} {1.5s} cd, recharge ⬆{20%} starts out as more of a supportive Tank so she likes to stay behind the tank to observe the fight before going into mech form, her jumps in Baby have a {15%} Zero gravity and projectile speed increased by {76%} And increased damage by {55%} make sure to use Mech carefully and more of a spy form of role,..
814 {5s} {3.9s} {5s} reducing the power gain down and decreasing the cool down, ammunition (8)
180 {4.4s} with Echos health being lower her movement will help with getting away before taking some serious damage, new passive now reduces damage dealt by {38%} until critical hit} {8s} available on spawn, {5s} ammunition (6) due to decreasing the sticky bombs we don't want her to only rely on them so her maximum ammo count has been reduced
300 {3s} {2.9s} ultimate generation increased, +10% damage on head, up time {15s}, we want Genji s ultimate to be longer and useful again, double jump increased by {20%} and speed increased by {25%}
300 {2.9s} distance increases {80%} ammunition (4), {3s} {9s} damage increased by {23%}
165 hp 83 New passive ability,, puts an invisible 100hp barrier made of solar energy, {1.9s} solar energy maximum {500%} healing increased by {50%} solar energy recharge {0%} she heals a lot but only recharge after death, damage dealt Increased by {45%} more damage then normal melee ammunition (∞) damage {145%} 2 tap Tracers,.. increased by {20%} [jump vertical speed] {40%}
578 {8s} maximum health with shout is 770, {6s} {5s} delay increased by {400%} knockback {200%} damage increased by {50%} healing decreased by {30%} ammunition (12)
300 {2s} = {30%} per mine, {9s} ammo (8), Duration increased by {20%}
180 {15s} duration {3.5s} {13s} {1.1s} increased by {40%} projectiles speed {50%} increased by {40%},... ammunition (216) damage increased by {10%} healing by {20%} new passive ability makes Juno take {50%} reduced all damage and subtracts by {5%} of the damage taken, when shield health is still on. once shield health is gone the passive stop and Refreshes when {healed the round is over or respawn,}
203 {7s} distance increased from {100% to 300%} {8s} damage increased by {23%} maximum ammunition (21), healing increased by {70%} maximum paper (14) = (7 shot) projectile speed increased by {60%} she's also {15%} slower when firing kunais, healing is normal speed and is faster then repair packs..
248 {9s} {9s} because of the decrease in speed we want LifeWeaver to have life grip faster and increased the range by {200%} is also changed with this as well, {3s} healing increased by {50%} max hp increased by {40%} ammunition increased by (200) Healing blossoms ammunition (32)
246 {9s} {4s} knockback scalar increased by {50%} increased by {40%} projectile speed increased by {40%} ammunition (18) damage increased by {31%} Jump virtual speed increased by {30%}... healing increased by {50%}
870 decreased by {10%} {4s} {6s} healing {20%} duration increased by {50%} ignite damage increased by {20%} ignite duration decreased by {10%} ignite rate increased by {20%} & maximum ammunition (600) healing received reduced by {40%} Jump virtual speed and movement gravity {10%}, projectile speed increased by {50%}
270 {9.1s} {6.1s} ammunition (98) damage increased by {50%} weapon freeze duration scalar increased by {100%} healing dealt by {50%} healing decreased by {10%} freeze minimum {70%} maximum rate scalar increased by {90%}
203 {1.1s} {36s} {Healing increased by {50%} vertical jump speed increased by {40%} increased by {30%} disabled, for now,}
192 {5.2s} damage & healing increased by {100%} duration increased by {60%} damage increased by {60%} healing {50%} healing received from damage increased {50%} jump vertical speed increased by {40%} increased by {40%} movement gravity by {20%} and projectiles speed {140%} maximum increased by {150%} and recharge rate by {80%},
800 duration for {4s} cool down, {22s} {7s} {7s} damage increased by {40%} healing reduced by {40%} jump virtual & movement gravity reduced by {30%} reduced by {48%} projectile speed & gravity decreased by {50%} overheats/ammunition in (3.0s)=(50%)
180 {10s} acceleration scalar increased by {40%} refuel by {100%} {5s} disabled, extra fuel increased by {100%} recharge rate by {30%} maximum ammunition (12) damage is reduced by {10%} When on Pharah is on the ground damage {30%}} projectile speed increased by {100%} rocket launcher knockback increased by {100%}
618 cooldown {2.5s} 1008 duration {8s} {6s} {11s} duration increased by {100%}={7s} ammunition (∞) damage increased by {60%} jump vertical & gravity increased by {1%} yes Increased by {11%} projectile speed & gravity {70%} and {90%}
450 {7.1s} {6s} ammunition (12) damage increased by {23%} healing increased by {50%} jump vertical speed increased by {10%} {50%} + {55%} in wraith form
1008 hp 2304 {5.1s} { reduced by {50%} damage increased by {23%} damage received reduced by {25%} healing reduced from {100%} = {88%} increased by {10%} projectiles speed increased by { knockback scalar increased by {300%} to keep enemies dazed and displaced increasing the knockback will make heros like [Genji,Reaper,Torbjörn,] from the close quarters combat,
938 {6.1s} {9s} to make pig pen more visible reducing the cooldown will make him kill faster targets, {1.1s} maximum time increased by {100%} recharge rate {20%} decreasing Hog knockback scalar by {25%} ammunition (9) damage increased by {40%} healing dealt and received by {20%} virtual jump speed decreased by {30%} movement gravity {38%} decreased by {45%}
875 {8s} {8s} disabled damage decreased by {10%} projectile speed and gravity increased by {140%} each ,damage & healing received decreased by {10%} movement gravity increased by {20%} increased by {20%}
200 {4s} for {5s} disabled, enable alt fire and charges {10.5%} faster then in the real game, ammunition (35) damage increased by {50%} healing received by {20%} jump virtual speed increased by {50%} movement gravity reduced by {10%} increased by {43%} projectile speed increased by {110%}
300 {11s} healing dealt increased by {10%} duration increased by {40%} ammunition (40) damage increased by {23%} decreased by {5s} movement speed and gravity increased by {10%} projectile speed {150%}
180 updated passive ability when unstealthed sombra gains {10%} reduction to damage and receives {100%} healing when under 80 hp {4.2s} {7.1s} disabled, ammunition (48) damage increased by {56%} movement gravity reduced by {10%} {23%} movement gravity increased by {30%} projectiles increased by {80%} works with tp and virus,
303 cool down increased by {100%} {24s} damage increased by {20%} Movement speed, jump, or gravity decreased by {10%}
360 + 180 from {9s} duration {10s} ammunition (12) projectile speed increased by {130%} gravity {50%} increased duration by {100%}
158 new passive body shots reduced by {30%} and receives {40%} healing when hp is at 88 reduced by from {100%} to {38%} {19s} ammunition (24) damage increased by {69%} {12.1s} now on a cool down instead of charge, you will not get ultimate generation from combat/kills, projectile speed and gravity increased by {300%}
213 total amount of health is 277, duration {3.2s} {6s} {5s} dash goes {10%} farther in the air ammunition (11) Projectile speed increased by {180%} damage increased by {31%} jump vertical speed increased by {11%} duration increased by {150%} speed on the ground reduced by {5%}
180 {6s} {8s} ammunition (23) damage increased by {50%} projectile speed increased by {111} making her duration decreased by {50%} passive ultimate change is disabled, can only get ult from ,critical hits, Venom mine, or eliminations... with some heros being faster than normal we are making widow more aware of flankers and escape a little more easily than normal,
875 duration {50s} {4s} acceleration {30%} and knockback increased by {40%} disabled, ammunition (95) damage increased by {70%} scenes we removed Winston's shield we are making is ult gain a little quickly and for longer, remember he is a big target,
930 {6s} 1389 total health, {3.2s} increased duration by ammunition (40) damage increased by {90%} movement speed and gravity and jump speed all increased by {40%}
704 & decreased by {30%} ammunition (69) damage increased by {50%} particle cannon secondary knockback scalar increased by {150%} "Who said Zarya doesn't have anything mobility...." - TheTitanicProdigy
200 ammunition (40) movement increased by {20%} projectile speed {30%} jump vertical speed increased by {20%}