Superhot 1v11
Original by ???, Heavily modified from 1v6 TDM to 1v11 "TDM" by Bonkorn.
Game Mechanics:
- Partially working teammates feature:
Teammates' arrow color changes depend on status.
Anti-CC most of the time! ONE Widow's Ult will provide location of the boss to ALL teammates.
Sombra cannot hack teammates or health packs.
- Max score required to win for each team automatically scales depend on number of players on the server.
- Hold CROUCH key to slow down the time.
- Overusing slow-motion will kill you. Max Usage duration: 3 by default, can be further increased temporarily upon killing someone.
- Available Heroes: Ashe, Hanzo, McCree, Widowmaker.
For Host (How to set someone as boss):
- Place the player you want to be the boss in the 12th player slot.
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