
Lobotomy Overwatch

(I created this a while ago but I've decided to post it here now.)

I made every character in the game OP and unbalanced with special abilities. This game mode is still regularyly updated when new characters are added for now.

This is a very stupid and unbalanced gamemode. Play at your own risk. It's also 4v4 for more effects from workshop extensions. You're free to modify the gamemode. Version 2 is in the works currently. Clash won't work for me for some reason.

Other Codes Created By Me (Not really maintained/updated anymore)

Unbalanced Overwatch 4v4: WJF96 (More hero changes)

Overwatch Painful Edition: R35EH (More hero changes)

Overwatch Hell Edition Nerfed (6STOV) (Small hero changes)

Hackers VS Normals (1 person with cheats vs 10 normal people)

Status Effect Info

Rooted: Unable to move and use movement abilities.

(Status effects below show your location)

Electrified: Damage overtime and chains to closest teamate in line of sight.

Blinded: Unable to see.

Infected: Damage overtime and chains to nearby teamates.

Marked For Death: Increased damage taken in duration.

Marked For Explosion: Once duration is zero, you explode and damage all teamates in range.

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