
Big Bad Boss Series: Deadlock Gang Full PvE Boss Fight!

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Big Bad Boss Series: Deadlock Gang

Boss - Ashe
Adds - McCree
Phase 1 - Technical Phase
Phase 2 - Burst Phase (starts when Boss at 15% HP)
Normal: 9DCK2
Heroic: 5PW38 (in testing phase)
Mythic: RHWFZ (in testing phase)
The fight is made for 6 people, gather up your party and have fun!
Previous Tests Video:
PATCH 1.2.4
Note: Hi guys! I tried to make this boss fight challenging. Normal mode is just to get people used to the mechanics. If you want real challenge go for Heroic or even the Mythic difficulty!!

I ask everyone, who can play with friends in group of 6, and likes the good ol' dungeon feeling of MMORPGS, please enjoy! If you make a video of it for youtube or streaming it, please write to me at [email protected] and I will check it out. I tested this mode with 1 group so far, they had a blast after understanding the mechanics. Thank you. LazaC

Boss Health: 18.000 HP + 2000 Armor
Damage Done: 200%
Ultimate Charge Passive: 200%
TNT Fuse: 50%
Ultimate Duration: 50%
Add McCrees Damage Done: 130%
Add McCrees Damage Received: 120%
Add McCrees Health: 500%
Add McCrees Movement Speed: 70%

Boss Abilities:
---Auto Attack
3 Normal Scoped Shots and then a TNT with 50% fuse time. (Only TNT under 15% HP)
---Evidence and Proof
This mechanic is on a 60 second cycle. Players will get a Big Message 'Collect the Yellow orbs!' and after they have to collect evidence (little yellow orbs) in the area of the encounter. Collecting 1 evidence will lock a member of the Deadlock Gang (McCree) into prison, reducing the number of adds that will appear when the time limit for this mechanic arrives. The counter starts at 7 Adds which you can see on the top left corner of your screen and you can collect a maximum of 5 orbs in 20 seconds.
After the deadline: The remaining number of McCree adds will spawn on the map randomly, that chase down players, even if they are in prison! (The Adds can shoot as auto attack and use Deadeye ultimate if they are at 100% ult charge)
A randomly selected player will get imprisoned in the room under the boss. The Imprisoned player takes DoT damage (4% Health/second) while under this effect and can only leave the prison entering through the right exit that matches his color. When a player is marked for prison, they get teleported to the room, get a sad face icon above them with a specific color. During this time 4 colored (green, blue, white, orange) orbs will also spawn on the map. Players have to recognize the color above the head of the imprisoned player and collect the matching orb in color on the map. If they do this, an Exit with that color will open inside the prison. Trapped players can leave the prison and stop the DoT on them by going through the same colored Exit as the color for their icon above the head. (You can see a counter for this mechanic top right corner)
---What the Hack?
If any 2 players stand within 3 metres of each other, they get hacked for 2 seconds. (You cannot get this effect while hacked)
---The Last Member
When the Boss reaches 100% ult charge, she will call down B.O.B. The robot will shoot players for 5 seconds.
---There is an 'Anti-Gravity Buff" yellow orb and text next to the house in the back. If a player enters this orb, he will get anti-gravity for 6 seconds, which allows heroes without any vertical mobility to reach some hard places when they want to collect an add orb or a key orb.

HEROIC mode:
Boss Health: 18.000 HP + 4000 Armor
Damage Done: 200%
Ultimate Charge Passive: 200%
TNT Fuse: 40%
Ultimate Duration: 100%
Add McCrees Damage Done: 150%

Evidence and Proof
Counter starts at 10 adds, you can collect 8 orbs.
Cycle is 45 seconds instead of 60.
Adds when ulting, will hold firing Deadeye for 3 seconds instead of 2.

DoT damage is 5% Health / second
Instead of a 40 second cycle it is 30 second now.

Boss Health: 18.000 HP + 5000 Armor
Damage Done: 250%
Ultimate Charge Passive: 200%
TNT Fuse: 30%
Ultimate Duration: 100%
Add McCrees Damage Done: 170%
Add McCrees Movement Speed: 60%
Boss will start throwing only TNTs when reaching 20% health.
Anti-gravity buff lasts for 5 seconds instead of 6.

Evidence and Proof
Counter starts at 13 adds, you can collect 10 orbs.
Cycle is 40 seconds.
Adds will shoot a 30% faster.
Adds when ulting, will hold firing Deadeye for 4 seconds.

Now imprisons 2 players...
DoT damage is 6% Health / second
Instead of a 40 second cycle it is 30 second now.

NEW ABILITY! (mythic only)
Linked fate
2 players will be linked with a Red Tether Beam. Tethered players have to run next to each other to clear the effect of themselves (Yes, they will get hacked, I know)
Players take damage each second while under the effect of Linked Fate. The damage is 5 times the distance between the 2 of them.
Players cannot go 20 metres apart from each other while under the effect of tether.
If one of the tethered players die, the other will die too. This is what Linked fate means.
There is an orange colored HUD for this mechanic in the left of your screen. You will constantly get small messages about being tethered while under the effect. Also when the 2 palyers get tethered every teammate can see who is affected in a Big Message, so maybe you can help them find each other, or at least open up a free path for them to meet.

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