
Zombie Torbjorn Infection (The Living Dwarves)

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

The Torbjorn virus is spreading, you must survive the outbreak!

  • Survivors must wait until extraction to win or complete certain objectives before the extraction can arrive. They must survive hordes of Torbjorns in the process.

  • Zombies(Torbjorns) must infect all survivors to win, they have custom script abilities in the form of
    a sprint, superjump, and mutations to assist them in this endeavor.

The official and updated code will be 8CEVX

A video or two will eventually come out for these modes!

Original Version created by RhinoNinja
Now is updated and modifed by me.

Players | 1 - 10
Categories: Survival
Heroes:, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Mauga, Orisa, and 34 more...
Created at:
Last updated:


Ability 1
Infected Sprint
Infected Superjump
Infected Respawn Point
Infected Sprint
Infected Superjump
Infected Respawn Point
Infected Sprint
Infected Superjump
Infected Respawn Point
Infected Sprint
Infected Superjump
Infected Respawn Point
Infected Sprint
Infected Superjump
Infected Respawn Point

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