
Widow HS Only

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Widowmaker Headshot Only Mode, Created By Justice.

Code: 8A4FX


  • Goal: 150 Eliminations (Final Blows) / 1 hour
  • No Hipfire
  • Grapple Hook Cooldown: 4 Seconds
  • Every 5 Eliminations (Final Blows) in the same life, Everyone gets a notifications you're on a killstreak.
  • Added "Recon Pulse" - crouch penalty, showing yellow outline for a brief of time through the wall to players getting caught + Having a message for not doing this again. (Currently working on Château Guillard only)
  • Shows your current hit percentage
  • Shows your best killstreak

Toggles you can change from "Workshop Settings" Menu:

*crouch penalty enabled
*Crouch abuse penalty (default ON)
*Jumpads / Teleport (default OFF)
*HS Only (default ON)
*AFK Protection (default OFF)
*Stats (Default ON)
*Hints (Default OFF)
*Heal After Kill (Default OFF)
*Explosion effect on person killed (Default ON)
*Explosion effect on the killer (Default OFF)

Last Changed: 20 Sep 2020
Credits: nanofanes for helping with the settings.

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