Freeze Tag 4&N
How to play:
Random player gets to play mei ( 15 seconds after game start).
Mei win condition is to freeze all other players.
Soldier win condition surviving 6 minutes.
Gamemode features:
- Spectator camera if you get frozen.
- Mei very slowly gets a speed boost (since its 1v11).
- Soldiers can unfreeze each other by hitting or using helix rockets.
- Icons to show if your allies are frozen or not.
- Icon that only mei can see, marks the farthest player from mei (to prevent camping).
- Fully working win conditions (no need to interact for lobby creator).
- Leaderboard, shows wich soldier has unfrozen most allies this match.
- Soldiers abusing respawn mechanics get frozen.
- Soldier with highest score wins if mei doesn't win.
- Hitting mei gives speed boost.
- Mei has indicators to show how fast she is.
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