
Lucioball Remake by nanofanes#2272

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The best lucioball remake to date. The ultimate give you 2x speed and tall jump. The ball has mechanics similar to the real lucioball. The goals are embedded inside a wall like in the real Lucioball. There's collision on inner parts of the goals. Match time depends on the size of the map. If the scores are the same by the end of the game, the tiebreaker will activate. The tiebreaker is "First to score wins".
Once the big upcoming workshop update arrives, I will add support for quick melee boops and change the map from havana to workshop expanse and make the map equally big as the official lucioball maps.

There are 2 jump pads, one to the left of the middle of the map, one to the right.
jump pad

One jump pad for each goal
Goal jump pad

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