
Simple 2D Top-Down Camera

A very simple code meant to be as efficient as possible. It allows the player to look down onto the Workshop Island and navigate in a 2D manner using the regular camera inputs, clamped to the inner board grid. Included in it are some simple calculations to convert the cursor location to the tiles in the board(from 0,0 in the top-left to 7,7 in the bottom-right). Useful for creating puzzles and whatnot. Available in "ongoing" and "subroutine" variants.

MIGHT work with more than one player since everything is managed in "Event Player" rules and uses player variables, but I haven't tested it.

Created on July 1st 2024 by DoritoCat. Might update if needed.

Players | 1 - 1
Categories: Tools, Miscellaneous
Tags: camera puzzle 2d
Heroes: Mercy
Created at:
Last updated:
Current version: 1.0.0



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