All heroes are in this version, starting with Reaper. The previously unavailable heroes are scattered through the list. You can hurt players however everyone’s damage is reduced, as the main goal is the dodge the cars, not brawl. No riding cars into the tunnel either!
It seems like the exploit patch script is breaking for Reaper/Mei and a few other heroes. Hoping to have this patched soon.
I’ll also figure out how to deal with hammond to reduce issues when running as the ball.
If anyone knows the original creator, please let me know, thanks! ^-^
Update Version 1.1.1 - Made the game available to players in queue post this qol update coming through.
Version 1.1 - Players can no longer ride on the cars into the tunnel for easy progression. Exceptions are Reaper’s Wraith and Mei’s Cryogenic Ice Block.
Version 1.0 - Public release.
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