Achievement Match
Mode will no longer be updated
because clearly nobody likes it (stats are horrible, the code has been used 2 times in the 6 months its been released..)
They call it a deathmatch because you need to cause death to score points.
I call this achievement match because to you need to collect hero achievements to score points.
The game lasts 15 minutes and points to win in 5000 (Max) This is just so the entire length of the match plays out then whoever has the most achievements wins.
These settings can be changed in the normal ways of just Settings>Modes>Deathmatch
There is currently 39 hero, each hero has 2 achievements Meaning there is 78 hero achievements. Achievement guide below (Alphabetical order)
67/78 supported
D.Va Achievements
Achievement Text: Kill 4 enemies with a single use of's Self Destruct
Progress: Self-Destruct kills
Reset: Self-Destruct end
Achievement Text: Prevent 1250 damage with a single use of's Defence Matrix
Not Supported: Missing required stat data
Doomfist Achievements
Achievement Text: Hit 4 enemies with a single use of Doomfist's Meteor Strike
Progress: Damaged enemies with Meteor Strike
Reset: Meteor Strike end
Achievement Text: Slam 3 enemies into a wall with Doomfist's Empowered Rocket Punch
Progress: Slamming enemies into walls with a fully powered (charge time and power level) Rocket Punch
Reset: Never
Junker Queen Achievements
Achievement Text: Have 7 of Junker Queen's wounds active on enemies at the same time
Progress: Current number of Deep Wounds active, Caused by your Abilties
Reset: N/A
Achievement Text: Use Junker Queen's Jagged Blade and Carnage to pull and kill an enemy
Progress: Hit an enemy being pulled by Jagged Blade with Carnage (applicable while still in air + 1s after landing)
Reset: N/A
Orisa Achievements
Achievement Text: Kill 3 enemies with a single use of Orisa's Terra Surge
Progress: Kills with Terra Surge
Reset: Terra Surge end
Achievement Text: Knock an enemy to thier death using Orisa's Enegry Javelin
Progress: Environmental kill with Enegry Javelin
Reset: N/A
Ramattra Achievements
Achievement Text: Eliminate 3 enemies with a single use of Ramattra's Annihilation
Progress: Kills during Annihilation
Reset: Annihilation end
Achievement Text: Block 300 or more damage and survive in a single use of Ramattra's Nemesis Form
Not Supported: Missing reqiured stat data
Reinhardt Achievements
Achievement Text: Land Reinhardt's Fire Strike and Charge after an Earthshatter stun
Progress: Hit any player with Fire Strike and pin with Charge within 5s after knocking down any player with Earthshatter
Reset: 5 seconds after knocking down any player with Earthshatter
Achievement Text: Block 7500 damage with Reinhardt's Barrier Field without dying
Progress: Damage blocked with Barrier Field
Reset: Death
Roadhog Achievements
Achievement Text: Knock 2 enemies to their death with one use of Roadhog's Whole Hog
Progress: Environmental kills with Whole Hog
Reset: 5 seconds
Achievement Text: Interrupt an enemy ultimate ability with Roadhog's Hook
Progress: Hit a player with Chain Hook while they are using their Ultimate, this only counts if their ultimate ends within 0.1s after the hit
Reset: N/A
Sigma Achievements
Achievement Text: Get 3 killing blows during a single use of Sigma's Gravitic Flux
Progress: Kills during Gravitic Flux
Reset: Gravitic Flux end
Achievement Text: Gain 350 shields with a single use of Sigma's Kinetic Grasp
Progress: Temp health gained after Kinetic Grasp ends
Reset: A few seconds after Kinetic Grasp ends (to allow viewing of the progress)
Winston Achievements
Achievement Text: Damage 5 enemies during a single use of Winston's Primal Rage
Progress: Unique enemies damaged during Primal Rage
Reset: Primal Rage end
Achievement Text: Destroy 10 turrets or traps with Winston's telsa cannon without dying
Not Supported: Missing reqiured deployable data
Wrecking Ball Achievements
Achievement Text: Roll through 4 within 2 seconds as Wrecking Ball
Progress: Unique enemies damaged by Roll
Reset: 2 Seconds
Achievement Text: Aborb 1250 damage with Wrecking Ball's Adaptive Shield without dying
Progress: Damaged taken while having Adaptive Shield temp HP 100 + (100 * enemies within 10 meters) per use
Reset: Death
Zarya Achievements
Achievement Text: Capture 4 enemies in a single use of Zarya's Graviton Surge
Progress: Unique enemies within Graviton Surge
Reset: Graviton Surge end
Achievement Text: Keep Zarya's particle cannon above 70 power for 60 seconds
Progress: Seconds while Power is above 70
Reset: Never
Mauga Achievements
Achievement Text: Trap and eliminate 3 enemies with a single use of Mauga's Cage Fight
Progress: Kills/assists for players trapped by your Cage Fight
Reset: Cage Fight end
Achievement Text: Deal 900 combined healing and damage with a single of Mauga's Cardiac Overdrive
Progress: Healing or damage dealt during Cardiac Overdrive
Reset: Cardiac Overdrive end
Hero not Supported
Ashe Achievements
Achievement Text: Get a killing blow as Ashe on an enemy knocked into the air by B.O.B
Progress: Kill an enemy that’s been knocked upwards by B.O.B. It doesn’t count for that enemy once they’ve touched the ground
Reset: N/A
Achievement Text: : Kill an enemy by shooting Ashe's Dynamite from at least 30 meters away
Progress: Kill an enemy with dynamite from 30 meters away. Shooting the dynamite doesn’t matter as I can’t detect it in the workshop
Reset: N/A
Bastion Achievements
Achievement Text: Kill 3 enemies with a single use of Bastion's Configuration: Artillery
Progress: Kills with Configuration: Artillery
Reset: Configuration: Artillery end
Achievement Text: Kill 2 enemies in each of Bastion's configurations without dying
Progress: Get 2 kills with Configuration: Recon, get 2 kills with Configuration: Assault, and get 2 kills with Configuration: Artillery. Each mode with 2 kills will add progress
Reset: Death
Cassidy Achievements
Achievement Text: Get 4 killing blows with a single use of Cassidy's Deadeye
Progress: Deadeye kills
Reset: Deadeye end
Achievement Text: Get 2 killing blows with a single use of Cassidy's Magnetic Grenade
Progress: Kills with Magnetic Grenade
Reset: Immediately
Echo Achievements
Achievement Text: Use 2 other heroes' ultimates without dying as Echo
Progress: Use ultimates while Duplicating
Reset: Death
Achievement Text: Earn 2 killing blows with a single use of Echo's Focusing Beam
Progress: Kills with Focusing Beam
Reset: Forcusing Beam end
Genji Achievements
Achievement Text: Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Genji's Dragonblade
Progress: Kills during Dragonblade
Reset: Dragonblade end
Achievement Text: Kill 2 enemies with a single use of Genji's Deflection
Progress: Kills during Deflect
Reset: Deflect end
Hanzo Achievements
Achievement Text: Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Hanzo's Spirit Dragons
Progress: Kills with Spirit Dragons
Reset: 8 seconds
Achievement Text: Get 3 killing blows with a single use of Hanzo's Storm Arrows
Progress: Kills with Storm Arrows
Reset: Storm Arrows end
Junkrat Achievements
Achievement Text: Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Junkrat's Rip-Tire
Progress: Kills with Rip-Tire
Reset: Rip-Tire end
Achievement Text: Knock an enemy into your Steel Trap using Junkrat's Concussion Mine
Progress: Enemy landing in your Steel Trap before landing on the ground after being knocked into the air by your Consussion Mine
Reset: N/A
Mei Achievements
Achievement Text: Freeze 4 enemies at once with Mei
Progress: Enemies currently frozen beacuse of you
Reset: Constant
Achievement Text: Block 1000 damage with a single use of Mei's Ice Wall
Progress: Damage blocked with Ice Wall
Reset: Ice Wall end
Pharah Achievements
Achievement Text: Kill 4 enemies in a row without touching the ground as Pharah
Progress: Kills while airborne
Reset: On ground
Achievement Text: Knock an enemy to their death using Pharah's Concussive Blast
Progress: Environmental kill with Concussive Blast
Reset: N/A
Reaper Achievements
Achievement Text: Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Reaper's Death Blossom
Progress: Kills with Death Blossom
Reset: Death Blossom end
Achievement Text: Get 3 solo kills with a single clip of Reaper's shotguns
Progress: Solo kills
Reset: Start of reload, Wraith Form or Death Blossem
Soldier: 76 Achievements
Achievement Text: Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Soldier: 76's Tactical Visor
Progress: Kills with Tactical Visor
Reset: Tacitcal Visor end
Achievement Text: Get 2 killing blows with a single use of Soldier: 76's Helix Rockets
Progress: Kills with Helix Rockets
Reset: Immediately
Sojourn Achievements
Achievement Text: Get 4 killing blows with a single use of Sojourn's Overclock
Progress: Kills during Overclock
Reset: Overclock end
Achievement Text: Kill an enemy with a charged Railgun headshot while sliding
Progress: Railgun headshot kill while Sliding
Reset: N/A
Sombra Achievements
Achievement Text: Hack 5 enemies at once as Sombra
Progress: Enemies currently hacked beacuse of you
Reset: Constant
Achievement Text: Hack 15 enemies without dying as Sombra
Progress: Causing Hack effect with Hack or EMP (already hacked targets dont count)
Reset: Death
Symmetra Achievements
Achievement Text: Teleport 15 allies
Not Supported: Impossible without allies
Achievement Text: Hit an enemy with 3 beams simultaneously as Symmetra
Not Supported
Torbjörn Achievements
Achievement Text: Kill 4 enemies during a single use of Torbjörn's Molten Core
Progress: Kills with Molten Core
Reset: 8 seconds
Achievement Text: Aborb 500 damage with Torbjörn's Overload without dying
Progress: Damaged taken while having Overload temp HP (75 per use)
Reset: Death
Tracer Achievements
Achievement Text: Stick 4 of Tracer's Pluse Bombs onto enemies
Progress: Stick a Pluse Bomb
Reset: Never
Achievement Text: Recover 400 health using Tracer's Recall without dying
Progress: Restored HP from using Recall
Reset: Death
Hero not Supported
Widowmaker Achievements
Achievement Text: Kill an enemy with a scoped headshot while airborne as Widowmaker
Progress: Kill with scoped headshot while airborne
Reset: N/A
Achievement Text: Kill 4 enemies using Widowmaker's Vemon Mine
Progress: Kills with Vemon Mine
Reset: Never
Ana Achievements
Achievement Text: Get 4 kills or assists with single use of Ana's Nano Boost
Progress: Kills while nano boosted
Reset: Nano Boost end
Interrupt an enemy ultimate ability with Ana's Sleep Dart
Progress: Hit a player with a sleep dart while they are using their ultimate. This only counts if their ultimate ends within 0.1s after the hit
Reset: N/A
Baptiste Achievements
Achievement Text: Amplify 2000 combined damage and healing without dying as Baptiste
Not Supported: Missing Required Stat Data
Achievement Text: Prevent 4 deaths with a single use of Baptiste's Immortality Field
Not Supported: Assumed Impossible Without Allies
Brigitte Achievements
Achievement Text: Kill an enemy hero with Brigitte's Shield Bash
Progress: Kill with a Shield Bash
Reset: N/A
Achievement Text: Kill an airborne enmey with Brigitte's Whip Shot
Progress: Kill an airborne enemy with Whip Shot
Reset: N/A
Illari Achievements
Achievement Text: Detonate 3 Sunstruck enemies after a single use of Illari's Captive Sun
Progress: Triggering of explosion from Sunstruck, caused by your Captive Sun
Reset: 8 seconds
Achievement Text: Restore 8000 health with Illari's Healing Pylon
Progress: Healing with Healing Pylon
Reset: Never
Hero not Supported
Kiriko Achievements
Achievement Text: Restore 1500 health and land 5 critical hits without dying as Kiriko
Progress: 1500 healing / 5 crits
Reset: Death
Achievement Text: Cleanse 5 negative effects with one use of Kiriko's Protection Suzu
Not Supported: Assumed impossible without allies
Lifeweaver Achievements
Achievement Text: Restore 1200 health with a single use of Lifeweaver's Tree Of Life`
Progress: Healing with Tree Of Life
Reset: Tree Of Life end
Achievement Text: Prevent 3 deaths using Lifeweaver's Life Grip without dying yourself
Not Supported: Impossible without allies
Lúcio Achievements
Achievement Text: Block 900 damage with a single use of Lúcio's Sound Barrier
Progress: Damaged taken while having Sound Barrier temp HP (750 per player)
Reset: Sound Barrier end
Achievement Text: Get 3 killing blows while wall riding as Lúcio without dying
Progress: Kills while on a wall
Reset: Death
Mercy Achievements
Achievement Text: Resurrect 5 allies without dying as Mercy
Not Supported: Impossible without allies
Achievement Text: Restore 150 health for 4 allies without dying as Mercy
Not Supported: Impossible without allies
Moira Achievements
Achievement Text: Hit 6 targets simultaneously with Moira's Coalescence
Progress: Players currently ht by Coalescence
Reset: Constant
Achievement Text: Fully deplete both types of Moira's Biotic Orb without dying
Progress: Fully depleting healing/damage orb with one use of it
Reset: Death
Achievement Text: Restore 1250 health with a single use of Zenyatta's Transcendence
Not Supported: Impossible without allies
Achievement Text: Get 4 kills or assists with Zenyatta's Discord Orb within 6 seconds
Progress: Kill an enemy that has your Discord Orb applied
Reset: 6 seconds