The game mode
- Reach a killstreak to win
- One point for every kill but if you die you lose all your points
- No health packs, but you get 50% healing for every kill
- The killstreak and the healing are both customizable. (Default 5 and 50%)
- random Heroes
- non random heroes version:
- Recommended map: Castillo
How to customize
How to customize the Killstreak that is needed to Win
- Change the score to win in Deathmatch game mode setting
- Go to the Workshop editor
- Go to the 1st Rule “Config”
- Edit the 1st action “Global.scoreGoal = 5”
- Change the value to the number (Killstreak to win) you want
- Restart the custom game
How to customize the amount healing for each Kill
- Go to the Workshop editor
- Go to the 1st Rule “Config”
- Edit the 1st action “Global.killHealing = 50”
- Change the value to the parentage of Healing you want
- Restart the custom game