
RPG Zombie Mod ( PVE ) 2.0!!!

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

This is a PVE mode for people who likes to kill bot waves and complete objectives.

At game start host can choose game difficulty easy/normal/hard in game custom menu.

Here you have to find and fill with hero blood ( you health ) three crystals then will be opened a portal and you can escape from the map.

All the time there are infinity waves of zombie bots. Zombie bots have the main ZOMBIE level. It raises a bit every second and raises much for killing zombies, taking bonuses and others. Every new zombie level adds one more zombie bot type. ( now there are about 10 working zombie bots AI ).

As a hero you have a level up system with stats, ability to buy new heroes for money and on the map you can always find different rarity spheres with bonus money, exp or stats. Find and collect them to boost your RPG progress much.

You can get exp for damage zombies, healing teammates and killing zombies. Also you can find exp in bonus spheres.

Now there are 3 maps.

My idea is to make replayable not extra easy RPG PVE map. And you can take new pathes here. Today`s version is 2.0


note. This version is full stable, but sometimes workshop servers crashe at the end. Don`t care i am working on it.

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