Cops and Robbers
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Cops and Robbers
Verion 1.0
Last updated 26 Febuary 2024
Created by Echo#19560
Inspired by Dead by Daylight
4 Cops vs 8 Robbers. Who will win?
The 4 Cops consist of mostly tank heroes. Their health is greatly increased, and their damage and speed moderately increased. Their main goal is to down the Robbers, pick them up, and bring them to jail cells. They must also protect the banks from being captured by the Robbers and recapture them if they do.
The 8 Robbers consist of mostly damage and support heroes. Their main goal is to capture banks, which earn them money over time, and stop the Cops from recapturing them. They must also revive and rescue their fellow Robbers before they get sent to prison.
The 4 Banks around the map start off captured by the Cops. The Robbers can stand in a bank and slowly capture it, capturing faster the more Robbers stand in one. When they have a bank captured, they earn money over time, which goes faster the more banks they have captured. The Cops can recapture banks at a much faster speed. Any partially captured bank progress can be neutralized by the bank's owner faster than capturing.
Instead of dying, Robbers become incappacitated, or downed, when reaching 0 health. When downed, Robbers cannot use abilities or shoot, and can either crawl to a teammate or press a button to recover, which slowly heals them. However, Robbers cannot fully recover by themselves; they must either crawl to a health pack or a teammate to fully heal them. Robbers can revive their downed teammates by standing next to them which heals fast. They can also heal them with any abilities, but they recieve much less healing this way. Robbers bleed out after 5 total minutes of being downed, but this method of eliminating Robbers is not recommened for the Cops as it takes a very long time and can easily be interrupted.
Pick Up
Cops can pick up downed Robbers by pressing a button. After a short animation, the Robber is put on the Cop's shoulder and can be transported to a jail cell. While carrying, Cops move slower and cannot use abilities. However, they take half the normal damage. Cops can also drop Robbers with a button if necessary.
Cops who pick up must bring the Robber to a jail cell quickly, as the Robbers won't go down without a fight! A picked up Robber can alternate between pressing two buttons to wiggle. Wiggling does small damage to the carrying Cop, but more importantly, after a duration of wiggling, the Robber escapes their grasp and gets a speed and health boost. Wiggle progress is maintained when dropped, and being dropped gives a small amount of wiggle progress as well.
Jail Cells
Cops jail picked up Robbers by standing in an empty cell for a few seconds. It's important to note that there can only be one Robber in a jail cell at a time. Jailed Robbers have 3 phases, each lasting 60 seconds. When the timer is up, they proceed to the next phase. Every time a Robber gets out of jail, they go up a phase as well, and also get a large speed and health boosy. When a Robber has passed their 3rd phase, they are sent to prison and eliminated from the game. Robbers can rescue jailed teammates by standing near them for a few seconds. Jailed Robbers can also press a button to attempt escape. This maneuver is very risky; it has a 4% chance of succeeding and removes a large part of your jail timer if failed, so it should only be used as a last resort. In addition, Cops should not be too eager to camp cells, as Robbers will get a guaranteed chance to escape jail if they are camped for too long.
Win Condition
The Cops win by jailing/eliminating all of the Robbers. The Robbers win by reaching 100k money stolen. The first team to reach their goal is victorious!