This gamemode will bring you to Blizzard World. It’s a race using Wrecking Ball, you have to walk through all checkpoints to get to the goal. The gamemode is set in Skirmish and will restart 10 seconds after someone won.
- Countdown at the start
- Game restarts automaticlly
- Powerups are scattered on the map
- It just works
Code: 3DTS9
If you want to see how the code works, go ahead here is a list of all variables used in this mode:
Global Variables:
- A[bool]: used to restart the game
- B[bool]: begun?
- C[int]: countdown
- D[int]: used for restarting the game
- E[bool]: game ended?
- H[int]: countdown hud id
- P[array]: arrays with pickup positions
- R[int]: Pickup radius
- W[Player]: winner
- S[Vector]: Spawnpoint
- Z[bool]: Game setup complete
Player variables:
- A[bool]: can use a powerup
- C[array]: checkpoints passed will be {false,false} at start
- H[int]: hud id
- L[array]: Last created entities (effect&hud)
- R[int]: random int for powerup
- S[bool]: Spawned at correct pos
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