
Havana Dungeon

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Get together as up to 5 players in order to beat the bosses of Havana! Acquire loot on your way to victory!

The Twin Witch Doctors have taken control of Havan by subjugating the Avatar, weakning and using him for gruesome experiments.

To get to him, you need to fight the doctors' discarded creation that has a toxic gas cloud which needs to be fought with fire.

Then, face the Twin witch doctors themselves who fight side by and get to decide who you get to attack.

Until finally as you try to restore the Weakened Avatar, necromancers teleport to the area in an attempt to eliminate the avatar in order to raise him for their own use.

Easy │ Normal │ Hard │ Mythic

Boss List

  1. Failed Experiment 4-129
  2. Twin Witch Doctors
  3. Weakened Avatar of Havana

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