
Mei rework inspired by Heroes of the Storm

By now this code is more of a playground for different abilities or balance changes I think would be cool to try for Mei. The goal with these changes is to make Mei less frustrating to play against. There's many different options available, have fun trying them.

Rework 1; A different kind of DPS

What I've done;

  • Primary Fire:
    • The stun duration is increased back to 1.5 seconds. The same it was a few months ago. This allows her to land 2 headshots with 1 freeze when properly timed.
  • Primary and Secondary
    • Both now use a separate ammo pool. Primary fire has far less ammo available, only enough for 1 stun before needing to reload again. Secondary fire has 100 ammo (or 10 shots), allow her still to poke a fair bit without having to worry about reloading.
  • Either Ice Wall or Cryofreeze are replaced with Icing.
    • Icing sends Snowball forward to created a path that Mei can slide on to dramatically increase her speed.
    • When standing on icing it automatically transfers Mei from 1 side to the other. She can aim in any direction while sliding without having to worry about stepping off the path. She essentially sticks to it like a magnet.
    • Icing remains for 8 seconds, during which she can use it as many times as she wants.
    • Icing does not work for her teammates. This is not meant to be a tool to provide utility to her team.
    • Icing does not affect enemies in any form. It's not meant to be some kind of slow field or other annoyance.
    • Mei can use Ability 1 (Ice Block) while on Icing.
  • Ultimate (Previously Blizzard)
    • Blizzard is removed.
    • Her new Ultimate is "Avalanche".
    • Mei transforms in to a big-ass snowball that rolls in a straight line forwards (for 3 seconds), catching, damaging, and freezing any enemies in her path.
    • Mei is invulnerable while in her Avalanche.
    • When it reaches its end, or it crashes in to a wall, Avalanche explodes, dealing damage and knocking back anyone caught in it.
    • The snowball is solid, you cannot look or shoot through it. Allow it to be used as an effective ability to get your team through a choke point.
    • While enemies are caught in the snowball are frozen and unable to act they "roll" along with the snowball, making it difficult to hit them.

Rework 2; Mei as a tank

  • Max Health: 300
  • Primary Fire does not stun, instead it snares. (Beyond the scope of this Workshop code)
  • Secondary Fire now fires a slow projectile (a snowball) that cannot critically hit. Deals 50 damage.
  • Either Ice Wall or Cryofreeze are replaced with Blizzard
    • When using Blizzard Mei throws out her companion Snowball, creating a slow field on the area it lands. The slow field is a static slow amount (35%) and does not build up. It does provide a starting point for her Primary Fire. After 4 seconds the slow field explodes, freezing anyone still inside it.
    • When Mei herself is in her own Blizzard she gains Ice Armor
    • Ice Armor is non-recovarable health.
    • A workshop setting is available to toggle between Blizzard being a throwable or an area around Mei herself.
    • Beyond the scope of this Workshop mode, but in a real rework Ice Armor would physically build up on Mei, increasing the size of her hitbox as she gains more Ice Armor.
  • Ultimate (Previously Blizzard)
    • Blizzard is removed.
    • Her new Ultimate is "Avalanche".
    • Mei transforms in to a big-ass snowball that rolls in a straight line forwards (for 3 seconds), catching, damaging, and freezing any enemies in her path.
    • Mei is invulnerable while in her Avalanche.
    • When it reaches its end, or it crashes in to a wall, Avalanche explodes, dealing damage and knocking back anyone caught in it.
    • The snowball is solid, you cannot look or shoot through it. Allow it to be used as an effective ability to get your team through a choke point.
    • While enemies are caught in the snowball are frozen and unable to act they "roll" along with the snowball, making it difficult to hit them.

Alternative weapon

As an alternative weapon I've also build an overheating mechanic.

  • Holding down Primary Fire charges your weapon from 0% to 100%.
  • Letting go of Primary Fire will quickly drain the weapon after a short delay.
  • Pressing Secondary fire sends out a shot that deals damage equal to the remaining charge of your weapon. A completely non-charged shot will deal 90 damage. An 99% charged weapon will deal 60 damage.
  • Reloading instantly depletes the weapon of charge.
  • Overcharging the weapon will temporarily disable the gun.

This weapon is primary meant for Mei as a Tank, but could be used for the DPS rework as well (although its damage output would be quite low).

This weapon has the potential to deal high burst dps, while decreasing her potency as a sniper. The max damage secondary fire might deal more damage than before, it still only one-shots tracer, just like it currently is.

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