
Boss Fight Kiriko

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

This is the Boss Fight Mod with the Kiriko Boss

Disclaimer: This is not my mod it was made by Gran Battano And Fixed by Atomicpuppy i just added few thing and improve other.

i didnt see this code posted here or anywhere on internet (there is the one Hannon have posted but its an outdated version of it so here i am)

And The Kiriko Boss in her natural environment

Skill Description

  • Resurection : When Dead, Resurects yourself. (once per round)
  • Fast Ultimate: The Ultimate Gauge start at 50%. (persistent)
  • Invicible: Press interaction to become invicible for 7 seconds. (once per round)
  • Bunker: Press interaction to reduce the damage taken by 50% but you will moove 50% slower.(On/Off)
  • Autoheal: Under 30% HP AOE heal of your max health (20MT). (2 per round)
  • Knockdown: Press interaction to boost your damage but you will receive more.(On/Off)
  • Berserker: Press interaction to reduce armor and health by half but increase your speed and damage.(On/Off)
  • Freeze: Press interaction to freeze all enemies for 6 sec. (once per round)
  • Gambler: Press interaction to decide how much money you will earn in the next round. (One Per round)
  • Soul: When you die, Press interaction to buff ally with damage and stun the enemy boss. (2 per round)

Modification and tweak

Hero modification:

Mei can now use her cryofreeze for 1.5 sec
Tracer heal herself on hit scaling with healing stats
Hanzo have more Arrow on his ability and gain his ultimate faster
Zarya heal herself on hit scaling with healing stats
Ashe have a automatic rifle
Mercy Heal in AOE the radius is Lucio Radius /2 and she heal other ONLY when she heal someone (if She is healing someone with 100%HP it will not work)

Game modification

Boss Kiriko Give more Gold
You are now refund when buying a random hero you already have
Healer gain more gold on heal
Movement speed is now capped at +200%
Projectile speed is now capped at +100%
Player will now be resurected in 45sec
The game mod is only playable by 5 person i figure out the session crashed above that number of ppl playing
New Message notification systeme when buying upgrade
New Player joining the room will have more gold based on the number of Kiriko Defeated

Bug Fix AND Update

A little bug that sometime disable your Ability 1
Minor balance ajustement have been made like turret are now able in the Kiriko zone
Cassidy now can stop his infinite shooting by pressing right click again
I put the map code on the top corner and re balance Ashe autofire
Update to the last version of the mod with the round 14 The Kiriko Last Boss


1.*Junker Queen is now re-enable i tried her on the last version and did plenty of thing that make the session crashed with her but nothing happend so its time to enjoy the best character for this mod :P (please leave a comment if you encouter a crash or something else....)

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