
Don't Get Rolled

Don't Get Rolled

Game Mode Description

In this game mode, you have to evade a ball that continuously grows bigger and faster.
Your objective is to lure the ball into mines to eliminate it, as you cannot damage it by any other means. Throughout the map, various power-ups spawn randomly, and you can collect them using your slam ability.

Important things are highlighted in Orange


Every Player has 200 HP; getting rolled over will put you in a "revive" state (if played with more people than just yourself). This will cost you 50 HP. Once you reach 0 You are officially dead.

There are certain gameplay elements you can use to your advantage.

  1. Primary fire can be used to push back the Ball
  2. Use your seismic slam to either run away or freeze the Ball
  3. You may Block the Ball when looking towards it while blocking; gaining a powered-up Punch to fly even further, and knock you and the ball away (costs 25 HP)
  4. As mentioned above, collect items to heal, gain ult charge, or redeem a short-term buff

Workshop settings

If you want to change some settings like Ball health, speed, etc. including turning on "turbulent mode", access the Workshop settings for this.

Turbulent mode is a special mode that makes the Ball gain random bursts of extra speed meanwhile being a bit faster in general. This is for those who want a challenge.

Amazing Content Creators Who Tried This Game

Shoutout to these content creators who have devoted their time to playing this game mode!

I am very grateful for y'all time and effort!

Creator Version played at the time

Have Fun!

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