****Description: In this mod you fight to get xp and levels to become stronger.
1)Random hero every 10 levels.
2)At every 5&10 lvl you can take Upgrade or Bonus(perk).
3)Max lvl is 200 but any host can change it in settings.
4)Every damage or kill give you xp, also getting damage give you xp.
5)At max lvl you always can change to random hero: hold F with full hp.
6)Once every 10 lvl you can change your hero to another random hero: Hold F(Interact) 2 second.
7)if in some reason you stuck or have bug you can hold Ctrl+Space/crouch+jump to kill yourself it should fix possible bugs that i didn't find.
8)Host of lobby can turn on/off some settings and events by entering special code, instruction of this in first rule.
11)Workshop Settings for host with instruction so everyone can edit settings and make own balance.
12)Now there is feature losing xp and levels this settings is turn on but could be change in workshop settings.
13)feature boost new players, default turn on stage 1, now every new player that enter to game in middle of game will get a small xp booster that help lvl up depends on settings, also stage 2 is boost immediately to minimal allowed lvl depends on setting or turn off.
14)Win feature, by default it's turn on, can be setting, after some player get max lvl it's spawn timer, if someone of max lvl will survive at the end he will win, if there some of players on max lvl the winner will be with bigger numbers in kill counter.
15)if you have upgrade points hold Q to teleport to base1, if you have bonus points hold E to teleport to base2.
If you find any bug or want offer some idea i'd happy to listen :)
V20220410, 12 maps support, Created by Klinok#2203, https://discord.gg/Qd57sFy