
Advanced Training Range

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Here Are all the things you can find into this script:

  • Hero selection Wheel: Select your hero with a visual wheel (which appears when you press the interact button) so that there is no more any need to go to the spawn room to change!

  • Ana Hacked Mode: Hack the system, get invincible and be constantly on fire while sleeping the enemy you are pointing with homing ana sleeps, speeding on your heelies and wallclimbing like genji! You’re no more anyone’s flank target! Only downside: you’ll have to find the swithces to turn it on yourself : )

  • Portals: Fly from a gamemode to another in no time with portals to go in and out of every zone, spawn included!

  • Unlimited Status mode: Blow up countless bots with pulse bombs, cut them with blades or kill them with dragons as the score for ultimates just goes up and up! Plus you get super fast regen, so you really cannot die unless you jump off a cliff!

  • Set Combat Field: your targets will only stay in one place and not run away like scared cats

  • Extreme Mode Bots: In this mode every second you get damage and every time you shoot and miss a hit on a lucio, you get 25HP of damage, but if you hit the taget correctly (while pointing at it), you get 50HP, plus if a critical hit is registered, extra credits are added to the overall score and more healing is delivered!

  • Fly Mode: once enabled you will float while in the air and will be able to go up and down with jump and crouch respectively, allowing you to have different points of view from which you can shoot at your targets
    Parabolic Prediction Training :bowandarrow:: In the default mode, the two ana bots will be launched in a predictable trajectory and will stop strafing after a while of spawning, in dodge mode, however, the bots will be launched from a lot more random positions and will recieve different inputs at different times in order to make predictability overall a lot harder.

  • Tracer Game: Flick to your enemy’s head like you would to an annoying tracer’s one, or if you are a tracer yourself (hehe), do 180s and flick to the enemy head to get more points and practice a vital part of your mechanics or swap mode to have a static hero to test various stuff with! :shield:

  • Effective range visuals: Always staying at the correct distance from a target is extremely important and because of this, you have an indicator on your screen that tells you exactly your distance from the target, plus whenever you shoot your target, different particles will appear on it depending on the hero effective range and weapon type:

    • White - you are too close for your ideal range, but still ok!
    • Yellow - you are into your ideal distance, keep it like this!
    • Green - you are a bit further off, but falloff is not quite there yet, keep going!
    • Red - you are too far away! Either your falloff has kicked in and you deal less damage or your weapon is a lot less reliable at that range!
  • Score keeping - a counter on your top left will keep track of your successfull kills and ultimate uses, with which it will assign you different scores depending on your effectiveness in killing the target.

All credits for the selection wheel goes to the creator: " OrangeUtan#2942 " and to Kunomori#1653 for implementing it in the lobby.

Credits for the low speed horizontal part of the flight stabilization creators: CuddlyFlower#2892 and Sci#1771 and Kunomori#1653 for implementing the low speed part efficiently.

New in this version [11.1]

New Additions:

  • Hero selection Wheel: Select your hero with a visual wheel (which appears when you press the interact button) so that there is no more any need to go to the spawn room to change!
  • Bugfixes: sounds not playing for the jump pads, variables getting used by multiple sources etc etc.
  • Improved flight stabilization: no more getting juggled around while you try to start and stop your momentum in flight mode, just stop there and take your shots!
  • Repositioned warps (again) for better usability.
  • Reorganized code for a more managable lobby

All credits for the selection wheel goes to the creator: " OrangeUtan#2942 " and to Kunomori#1653 for implementing it in the lobby.

Credits for the low speed horizontal part of the flight stabilization creators: CuddlyFlower#2892 and Sci#1771 and Kunomori#1653 for implementing the low speed part efficiently.

How to Setup:

  1. Create a custom game in the PTR (Or into the live servers if you read this from the future)
  2. In settings, click on “import code :arrow_down:” on the top right and write/paste " J29D2 ", import.
  3. Add in this order 3 Hard Lucio bots, 2 Ana bots and a Zenyatta Bot
  4. Start the game, Enjoy!

Remember that you can always save the mode and customize it yourself!



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