Non-English versions at the bottom of the page.
Preview video:
Inspired by the minigame of the same name from Kingdom Hearts 2, one team who collects all 200 orbs, or has the most orbs wins. Each team starts with 100 orbs. If you kill an enemy player, he/she will drop orbs for you to collect to score for your team.
Victory Conditions:
- A team who collects all 200 orbs.
- A team who has the most orbs after the time runs out.
What to note:
- Turrets are disabled.
- Disabled heroes: Pharah, S76, Tracer, most Tank heroes and Baptiste.
- You can only choose one mech tank hero per team.
- Ultimate abilities can only be used once per player per match.
- Killed players will be unable to move for 6 seconds (Sleep status + invicibility).
- Unable to heal heroes (including yourself).
Non-English translation versions here:
- French (by Cro-coArmy): G9R1Y
- German (by Pancakeex): XB9RE
- Italian (by Kuro118): 1X1KT
- Spanish (by Driver64793): TMSKA
- T. Chinese (by Trences): RWJ7Y
- S. Chinese (by Trences): ET3CHE
- Japanese (by YZ Serori / やざせろり): ZGBEV
- Polish (by DeusBestias): YPDJ8
- Korean (by Tetration): VHXHE
- Portuguese (by Zanol): 9SQWR
- Russian (by Jester Inkling / Джестер Инклинг): F6T4R
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How the actual Struggle tournament from KH2 looks like:
And from the KH2 manga:
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