The Challengers Vs. 2 Raid Bosses
(🔧🚨 medium balance & content Update check the bottom of the page for details 🚨)
(this is a double raid boss version if you want a single raid boss the code is here: K1MP4
(last Updated of January 14th 2025)
Op Raid Bosses With A Gimmick & 3 OP Abilities Fight Regular Heroes To See If They Come Out On Top
⚔️fight and kill the raid bosses 10 times to win or the raid boss has to kill the challengers 35 times to win
🔧 (This map need community Feedback to make changes to other characters)
💪 use powerfull abilities to your advantage like sigma can fire out a slow black hole that one shots anything in its path or play as Ramattra that can shoot the hakai orbs from dragon ball to do massive damage with every punch
(🎉A special Thanks to Looky (Eclips' on discord) for helping me with ability cool downs the HUD road hogs eat ability and some other heroes)
General Changes
Bastion, junkrat & juno on the raid boss team now have the passive health regeneration
The amount of kills the raid bosses need has been reduced from 35 to 30
Added some range visuals to reins mega shatter reapers EMP death blossom and his teleport explosion now you can see if enemies are in the range of your attacks or enemies can know if their going to be affected by them
Tank Heroes
When in Nemesis form you now take 50% less damage from all sides except from the front which is still 75%
Health increased from 700 to 750 & nemesis form health increased from 525 to 550
Over health Granted when using kinetic grasp increased from 75 to 125
damage taken from all sides except the front increased from 25% to 50%
The fireable black hole will now be referred to as Singularity Blast
Singularity Blast explosion radius increased from 1 meter to 1.2 meters
Singularity Blast speed has been increased from 12% to 18%
(new ability) (singularity surge) this replaces the old fireable small black hole ability you can place down a black hole from 20m away or closer it pulls all enemies in and does continuous damage for 7 seconds before exploding doing 75 damage and huge knockback
Overhealth grant range when using kinetic grasp for allies has been increased from 5 meters to 7 meters matching the damage radius for enemies
Damage Heroes
- Fixed a bug where it wouldn't let you use your custom abilities if you died while using rocket pods
- Wraith Form cool down time increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds
- When ulting you will create a mini knockback explosion doing no damage just knockback with a range of 7 meters
Support Heroes
damage increased from 1.25 to 1.5
targets now receive a heal overtime that heals 60 HP per second for 5 seconds after Resurrection
buffed while airborne damage decreased from 115% to 110%
Ammo decreased from 155 to 120
Explosive pulsars explosion range increased from 1 meter to 1.2 meters
Hyper ring cooldown increased from 13 seconds to 14 seconds
- Fade explosion damage decreased from 140 to 105