Global Recall
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.
Global Recall ![Recall](/assets/abilities/50/recall-c9aceb66f4a5efa8bc8d8b7d9b969c599086e52be0baa88a9f2918b6d07862f4.png)
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Tracer's recall existed....but as an ultimate...and for the whole lobby? Well now you can find out for yourself.
In Global Recall every time someone gets an ultimate they have a chance to get the Global Recall ult. This ult will reset everyone's health, ammo, position, ult charge, and the overall match time to whatever it was 10 seconds prior (up to 30s in settings). If your team is dead, now they're not. You can even use it WHILE you're dead. Talk about pure chaos.
Take overtime fights to a whole new level and just recall the game and bring your team back from the dead to win the game.
Available Settings
Setting | Default | Description |
Chance for Recall | 60 | How likely a player is to get Global Recall. |
Cooldown | 15 | A global cooldown that prevents players from spamming it one after another. |
Recall Back Seconds | 10 | How far to recall the game back. |
Allow Recalling Into Overtime | False | If someone captures the point on Hybrid or Escort in OT, allow (or not) them to recall back into OT. |
- Obligatory thanks to CactusPuppy and TROLLSKI because without them I wouldn't have gotten back into workshop development.
- Thank you to Epicacosta and LittleRed for your help as well.
- I can't name everyone, but thank you to all who helped me test in Jay3's Discord.
Obligatory Cat Photo
Players |
2 - 12
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