
Friendly Fire

Friendly Fire

Ever get tired of that Lifeweaver pulling you out of your ideal position? What if you could just turn around and swing that big ole hammer and finally punish that Lifeweaver with death? That's what this mode does. Sleep, shatter, freeze, EMP, kill, pin, and anything else you can imagine to both the enemy and your own team. Brings a whole new challenge when you're brawling it out.

Friendly Fire allows you shoot and kill your own teammates! You can even earn ultimate from your teammate. Itching to get that last 20% before getting into your next fight? Now you can do it by damaging your own team!

Now you can really squash that bug that's on Jay3


How It Works


When the game starts we spawn a bot for each player on the enemy team. These bot names are prefixed with FF- to make it easy to see the bots in the scoreboard. They will then "attach" to a player and any damage done to them will be applied to the person who "owns" the bot.

To prevent bots from contesting if you're on the objective the bot detaches and teleports to spawn; however sometimes it bugs so you'll have to step off and on point.



  • D.Va
  • Bastion


  • Flashpoint

Known "Issues"



Skins and hero combinations are maxed at 11, to allow all the bots to spawn (10 bots) skins must be disabled. This is an Overwatch limitation.

Targetting Abilities

This applies, but not limited to, the following abilities:

  • Nano
  • Guardian Angel
  • Swift Step

Since Friendly Fire works by spawning bots on the opposite team and attaches to the can technically target your own team that are bots which are attached to enemy players.

A Few More

  • On some heroes you can shoot your feet to rapidly earn ult (don't do that, it's not in the spirit)
  • Ana technically can't "heal" from behind, heh...oh well
  • We can not remove bots from the scoreboard/spectator, again this is a limitation of Overwatch and we can't make it cleaner sadly
  • From the side the friendly fire hitbox is behind the player, this is intended as the invisible bot is offset a bit to prevent it from interfering with the player
  • Sombra will say detected, she is not


A huge shoutout to everyone in the Hard Carry Club who helped test this mode. We played and tested it for many many hours and I couldn't have discovered the bugs and issues without them. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Obligatory Cat Photo


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