
EuroPugs Balance Patch + 3 sources

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Welcome to EuroPugs Balance Patch.
The EuroPugs Balance Patch™ brings many changes, including removal of a tank passive and all hero updates, including many heavily requested changes. (yes, this includes Doomfist being in a Damage role again).

Hero Updates

Role TankTANK:
All tanks, knockback reduction passive has been removed.


We felt like pilot form of a D.Va was underutilized, having no abilities. We're changing that, while also increasing effectivness of, so called ''Baby'' D.Va, by increasing her movement speed to 130%.

New Ability: Gamer Blast
  • Shoots a powerful projectile with might of a pro gamer. Deals 100 damage, can deal critical damage.


Oh boy, this is a big one. Previous version of character did not work, so we've decided to make many big changes. Idea is to make him less incentivised to just shoot tanks and be less reliant on Supports focusing on him all the time. We're uncertain if it'll balance him, but that should make him more fun to play as and against, and that's our highest priority at the moment.

  • Size descreased to 85% of current size.

  • His health pool now consists of: 225 Health, 75 Armor and 275 Shields (575 total).

Incendiary Chaingun
  • Can't be fired while Volatile Chaingun is being fired.

  • Damage increased by 80%.

Volatile Chaingun
  • Can't be fired while Incendiary Chaingun is being fired.

  • Damage Increased by 80%.

  • Move speed increased by 20%.

  • Damage increased by 50%.

Cardiac Overdrive
  • Mauga's lifesteal decreased by 40% (now he heals for 36% of his damage).

  • Teammates lifesteal unchanged.

Junker Queen

Junker Queen is perceived as one the best designed heroes, by fans and developers alike, so we don't feel need to change her. To keep her in line with other heroes, we're just gonna increase her healing from bleeds.

Adrenaline Rush
  • Healing increased by 50%.


Orisa was another of these difficult to change heroes. After all, there were already two very diffrent versions of Orisa and neither of them was percived as fun to play (as or against) after a while. Instead of reworking her, we've decided to give her one new team-oriented ability,

New Ability: Cavalary Mount
  • We've heard many times Orisa being called ''horse'' by the community and even made a hero interaction with Hanzo teasing this ability. This ability is fully team-oriented, so it's up to teammates decide whetever or not to use it.

  • While ridden, Orisa takes half of damage Rider would take (she's a loyal horse) and has movement speed increased by 15%.

  • Use Crouch next to Orisa to ride her.

  • Use Jump to get off.


These changes were made to make Ramattra closer to his hero fantasy of making his enemies: ''suffer as he has''

Block (Nemesis Form)
  • Using Block Ramattra will deflect damage dealt to him directly to him enemies.


We felt like Reinhardt required some help, to be able to keep up with other tanks. Improvements to the Firestrike and a new ability should help him, while also allowing him to be played without Lúcio, whose considered almost required for our Crusader to be played.

New Ability: Crusaders Resolve
  • Bound to Reload button.

  • Grants Reinhardt damage reduction (-10%), increased healing recieved (+25%), movement speed increase (+35%) and 125 overhealth.

  • Duration 4 seconds, cooldown 11 seconds.

Steadfast (passive)
  • With removal of knockback resistance part of tank passive, we immidietly realized that our Crusader had ancestor of it, so we're giving it back. Knockback recieved -50%

Fire Strike
  • Fires additional Firestrike. Second Firestrike deals 50 damage and bounces of the walls, but does not pierce enemies.


We feel like he's alright at the moment, so change isn't too drastic, but should allow for some fun moments.

Chain Hook
  • Dealing final blow resets cooldown of Chain Hook


With global health increase, Sigma's time to kill with his primary fire drastically increased. Considering it's slow and hard to hit projectile, we have decided to make our Astrophysist shoot another Hypershpere to increase him offencive capabilities. We have also increased his mobility during his Ultimate and fall to aid him in his weakeness.

New Ability: Gravitic Descent
  • While in the air, holding space bar will slow down his fall

Gravitic Flux
  • Movement speed during the Ultimate increased by 250%

  • Now shoots additional, slightly bigger projectile dealing 75 damage.


We've decided, to enchance his hero fantasy of ''goofy and friendly Scientist, that you do not want to make angry''

All abilities
  • Damage -10%

New Passive Ability: I'm always angry
  • Winston gains 0.35% more damage for every point of health his missing

Wrecking Ball

After season 9 changes Hammond, as people often call him, seems to be in good spot, but we believe he would still appreciate some help. New passive is heavily requested Quality of Life change.

Grappling Claw
  • Hitting an opponent while in ''fireball'' will set them on fire, dealing 20 damage/s for 3 seconds.

New Passive: Slim Body
  • Wrecking Ball can't be bodyblock.


We feel like with current week one balance changes, she's in a very good spot. Now with reduction of Tank Passive she also gained some mobility, so we felt like not much need to be changed. The only complainment we saw, was that her ultimate felt underwelming. We won't change that, but we'll make it happen more often.

Graviton Surge
  • Ultimate charge generation rate increased by 50%.

Particle Cannon
  • Knockback increased by 15%.

Role DamageDAMAGE


People always complained about Ashe's insanely long reload time. Now that DPS passive doesn't grant reload speed buff, we're going to finally let Ashe have this buff.

The Viper
  • Reload time at 0 ammo decreased to 0.9 seconds.


Bastion always have been rather immobile hero, although if we look back in time, his old Ultimate provided possibility for 'rocket jumps' and current iteration does have granade that's sometimes use for mobility. These changes aim to enchance specifically this.

Configuration: Assault
  • Bastion can no longer move while using this ability

A-36 Tactical Grenade
  • During Configuration: Assault cooldown is decreased to 2 seconds and knockback is massively increased.


Cassidy had identity crisis ever since removal of a Flashbang ability. After playing Elden Ring recently balance team finally found new idea for Cassidy: Combat Roll used for dodging attacks. We've already been implementing this change slowly, but surly. Now it's time for it to become it's final form.

Combat Roll
  • Now grants intangability (like Moira's Fade or Kiriko's Protection Suzu).

  • Cooldown decreased to 3 seconds.


You've asked for this ever since we mentioned that we're even considering his rework into tank. We don't think rework was bad, so we're gonna keep some things. No, Rocket Punch still won't be able to one shot. Enough is enough.

  • Character size decreased to 85%.

  • Health 525 -> 300.

Rising Uppercut
  • Brought back.

  • Due to button limitations it's now binded to R (We're considering switching it with Power Block).


Echo keeps learning to mimic others and we reflect this growth in this balance change. (also we make it random, because people like randomness, right? That's why Mystery Heroes is popular, right?)

  • Now fully changes player to random hero (this includes echo, if that happens to you, though luck). No health limitations or anything.

  • If you die you return to Echo.

  • Ignores hero/role limits.


Again, you've been asking this for a long time, since that two week period. Very well, enjoy it.

  • Damage increased to 30 per Shuriken.

  • Duration increased 6 -> 8 seconds.


Hanzo is one of greatest assasins in the world of Overwatch. His mastery of bow knows no limits, as he keeps creating new arrow heads. Now this arsenal also includes: Explosive Arrow.

New Ability: Explosive Arrow
  • Bound to Second Mouse Button.

  • Cooldown 7 seconds.

  • Deals maximum 175 damage.


We've had a hard time, figuring out what he can do, without allowing him once again to one-shot characters. After some thinking we've decided to upgrade his mobility and damage ability: concussion mine

Concussion Mine
  • Maximum charges increased 2 -> 4.

  • New mine charges (third and fourth) have 3 second cooldown each.


Mei always was perceived as 'the ice hero' and the most frequent request was giving her speed boost when walking on her ice, so we did just that. Changes made to Cryo Freeze aim at making this ability less one dimensional.

Endothermic Blaster
  • Shooting primary fire into the ground increases Mei's movement speed to 150% (it's like Ice Skating)

Cryo Freeze
  • Size increased by 100%

  • deals 300 damage to enemies you land on


We think she's fine right now. Maybe we'll lower some cooldowns

Jet Dash
  • Cooldown Decreased by 30%.


We're trying to modernize Reaper's kit, by giving him more mobility

Shadow Step
  • Teleport is now instant

  • Due to limitations you might experience teleporting to unintended locations. Try not to abuse it too much.


We replaced E ability with something that hasn't been done in Overwatch yet.

Disruptor Shot
  • Now fires a projectile, with splash damage, dealing more damage at the edge of area and less damage at the center

  • 6 seconds cooldown.

  • 200-50 damage.

Soldier 76

On a recent mission, our old-man vigilante met Dr. de Kupier. After that encounter, Soldier 76's Helix Rockets started behaving diffrently.

Helix Rockets
  • Targets hit by rockets get knockedback upwards and experience 60% gravity for next 0.9 seconds.


Sombra's in quite good place at the moment, so we've decided to increase her hero fantasy a little bit.

  • Being Hacked also disables UI


During her research, Satya has found, not so new thing: Pym Particles. After experimenting with them, she decided to replace her Sentry Turrets with new and exciting ability.

Sentry Turret
  • Removed

Pym Particles
  • Ability bound to Shift.

  • Using ability allows you to choose from two option (similar to Moira's Biotic Orb), shrinking yourself (with left mouse button) or growing one opponent.

  • Shrinking lasts 5 seconds, growing lasts 3 seconds, cooldown is 7 seconds.


As people tend to say: Hammer go BRRRR.

Forge Hammer
  • Damage increased to 96.5.


Tracer feels quite good, so her change is rather small.

  • Grants 5 charges to Blink ability


We've decided to give her more options for positioning, while also increasing hero fantasy.

New Ability: Spiderway
  • Using Crouch while looking at close wall will attach character to that wall.

Role SupportSUPPORT


Ana always was hero with no mobility, we want to change that. Other changes should help her in combat.

Movement Speed
  • Out of combat movement speed and jump high massively increased.

Sleep Dart
  • Cooldown reduced 14 -> 10 seconds.

  • All Abilities (Primary fire, Biotic Grenade and Melee) damage increased by 25% (two shots from primary fire and Biotic Grenade deal total of 250 damge now).


Slightly-Less-Mortality Field just doesn’t have the same ring to it, but we can experiment. Maybe the device should be immortal so we can get by on a technicality. To compensate we're giving him projectile speed buff.

Biotic Launcher Alt Fire
  • Is now effectively Hitscan.

Immortality Field
  • Now decreased damage taken by 50%.


These changes aim at keeping Brigitte relevant at her job, at the times when nearly all Dive characters have been buffed, while also increasing her hero fantasy.

  • Armor increased 50 -> 100.

Shield Bash
  • Stuns hit enemy for 1 second.


She's alright, but her stats are lacking, so we changed that.

  • Healing increased by 20%.

Captive Sun
  • Generation rate increased by 40%.


For a good while now, Kiriko's main appeal was being an assasin with ''two get out of the jail free cards'' as community often calls it. We've decided to enhance this playstyle further.

New Ability: Swift Step 2
  • Bound to Interact (F by defualt).

  • Cooldown 9 seconds.

  • Teleports Kiriko to last enemy hit by headshot Kunai.


It can be hard to coordinate usage of Petal Platform with teammates, this change is aimed at changing that.

Petal Platform
  • Icreases jump speed to allies within 8 meters of Lifeweaver, by 80%.


Remember that one Aprli Fools (or was it Content Creator experimental patch?) change with Lucio's ultimate? We do and everyone seemed to love it, so we're bringing it back. While we're at it, we'll also increased Soundwave's effectiveness.

  • Knockback increased.

Sound Barrier
  • Deals 600 damage to opponents under Lucio.

  • Generation rate increased by 30%.


We're looking for something to replace Ressurect with. For now we'll just increase Mercy's movement.

Guardian Angel
  • Additional Cooldown when performing superjump removed.


Moira is tricky hero to change. People who have been here for some time probably remember cleansing on Fade or infamous Infeable Orb. For now we've decided to add simple ability that will enchance Moira's effectiveness at the cost of her own health.

New Ability: Something, need to come up with an idea for a name.
  • Ability is bound to Reload, 9 seconds cooldown.

  • Using ability will consume 95 health from Moira.

  • Resets cooldown of Biotic Orb.

  • Grants 90% increased healing and 50% increased damage for 3 seconds.


Zen has always been problematic, even more so in Overwatch 2, because of his Discord Orb ability. It's hard to nerf it without making it pointless, or replace it with something useful for his kit. For now, we'll take out Omnic friend back to his origins as a ''Glass Cannon''.

  • Health 75 -> 25, Shields 150 -> 200

Movement Speed
  • Can fly now.

Hero Randomizer code was used for Abilities UI, Flying code was used for Zenyatta, Shield as Parachute was used for Sigma's slow fall.


This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

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