Human Vs. Zombies
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Humans Vs. Zombies
A modification of WhiteDuck's original gamemode. Humans Vs. Zombies is a survival gamemode where Survivors are tasked with eliminating the Zombies or outlasting the timer before the Zombies infect them all!
The Basics
Players are given time to position themselves around the map before a random player is converted into a Zombie.
Survivors must survive against the Infected for 4-4:30 minutes or collectively earn a number of eliminations to win.
The Infected must kill every standing Survivor there is before the time is up.
Meet the Zombies
Within game, you can view the changes to your hero with [Crouch] + [Reload]
The most basic Zombie while also being the strongest in terms of raw power.
Ability | Description |
Shadow Step | Usable once per life. |
High Jump [Crouch + Jump] | Jump slightly higher. |
Spawnpoint [Hold Interact] | Set down a temporary spawnpoint. |
Temporary Buff [Secondary Fire + Ultimate (10+% Charge)] | Instantly restore your health and temporarily become stronger and tougher at the cost of 10% Charge. |
Self-Destruct [Hold Crouch + Secondary Fire] | Kills yourself. |
Mutation [Passive] | Gradually become faster after each death untiil you land a kill. |
Regeneration [Passive] | Slowly heal health after not taking damage, also building up ultimate charge. |
Solo [Passive] | While the only Zombie in the game, gain infinite Wraith and Shadow Step. |
The fastest and most mobile Zombie, but is weaker than Reaper.
Unlocked at 50% Ultimate Charge as Reaper.
Ability | Description |
Flight | Automatically cancels after lift off. |
Spawnpoint [Hold Interact] | Set down a temporary spawnpoint. |
Temporary Buff [Secondary Fire + Ultimate (10+% Charge)] | Instantly restore your health and temporarily become tougher at the cost of 10% Charge. |
Regeneration [Passive] | Slowly heal health after not taking damage, also building up ultimate charge. |
Solo [Passive] | While the only Zombie in the game, gain a lowered cooldown on Flight, and increased movement speed and resistance. |
Junker Queen
A slightly sturdy Zombie that excels at singling out Survivors to make easy targets.
Unlocked at 75% Ultimate Charge as Reaper; 50% as Echo.
Ability | Description |
Commanding Shout | Heals and buffs surrounding Zombies. |
Carnage | Briefly hacks and slows Survivor. |
Rampage | Hacks wounded Survivors. |
High Jump [Crouch + Jump] | Hold Crouch to boost your jump. |
Spawnpoint [Hold Interact] | Set down a temporary spawnpoint. |
Temporary Buff [Secondary Fire + Ultimate (10+% Charge)] | Instantly restore your health and temporarily become tougher at the cost of 10% Charge. |
Infected Wound [Passive] | Wounded Survivors receive less healing. |
Regeneration [Passive] | Slowly heal health after not taking damage, also building up ultimate charge. |
Solo [Passive] | While the only Zombie in the game, gain increased movement speed, attack power and resistance. |
[BOSS] Orisa
The sturdiest Zombie who can shoot their gun, but is the weak in attack power.
Unlocked at 100% Ultimate Charge as Reaper/Echo.
Ability | Description |
Fortify | Quickly restores health. |
Supercharger | Builds up a massive dome that will hack Survivors caught inside. |
Spawnpoint [Hold Interact] | Set down a temporary spawnpoint. |
Solo [Passive] | While the only Zombie in the game, gain increased attack power, resistance and movement speed. |
[BOSS] Ramattra
A nearly unkillable Zombie that can easily locate and destroy Survivors, but can be stopped when damaged.
Limited duration during usage. Only one Ramattra can be spawned at a time. After using Ramattra, there will be a global cooldown for a Zombies before he can be used again.
Unlocked at 100% Ultimate Charge as Reaper/Echo; 80% as Junker Queen; 50% as Orisa.
Ability | Description |
Block | Upon taking damage, Ramattra is forced to Block. However, damage will be reflected to surrounding Survivors. |
Launch Off [Crouch + Primary Fire/Melee] | Hold Crouch then punch the ground to launch yourself. |
Survivor Changes
Within game, you can view the changes to your hero with [Interact]
Ability | Description |
Biotic Grenade | Biotic Grenade will leave a random pool of harmful effects to Zombies. Holding [Crouch] and making contact with Biotic Grenade will propel you into the air. |
Nano Boost | Puts to sleep surrounding Zombies. |
Ability | Description |
Quick Reload [Crouch + Reload] | Reload quicker while crouching or burning. |
Weaken [Ultimate] | Significantly slow and weaken all zombies around Ashe. |
Hot Stuff [Passive] | Become stronger while burning. |
Ability | Description |
Biotic Launcher Alt Fire | Slightly heals and briefly applies resistance to Survivors . |
Regenerative Burst | Heals and briefly applies resistance to surrounding Survivors. |
Charged Up [Crouch] | Deal more damage while crouching. |
Grounded [Passive] | Deal more damage while on the ground. |
Ability | Description |
Whipshot | Instantly recharges after landing a kill with it. Hold Whipshot to launch yourself forward. |
Repair Pack | Briefly applies resistance and temporary health to target. |
Rally | Pushes zombies away from Brigitte during its duration. |
Inspire [Passive] | Slowly heals surrounding Survivors upon dealing damage. |
Ability | Description |
Rocket Punch | Travels a short distance. Hold [Jump] to boost upwards. Effects of Rocket Punch increase when powered up through Power Block. |
Teleport Point [Ability 1] | Set down a temporary Teleporter. |
Power Block | Reflect damage to surrounding Zombies and gain ultimate and ammo. |
Quick Movement [Crouch + Primary Fire] | Shoot at and teleport to a player, whether they are Survivor or Zombie. |
Power Up [Ultimate] | Instantly restore your health and gain significantly increased resistance and power for a limited duration. |
Ability | Description |
Invisibility [Crouch] | Become invisible while crouching. Doing this slowly damages D.Va. |
Blanket of Invisibility [Ultimate] | Make yourself and nearby Survivors temporarily invisible. |
Recover [Passive] | Slowly restore health when not crouching. |
Light Feet [Passive] | Move faster while in the air. |
Goomba Stomp [Passive] | Deal damage to Zombies upon landing on them. |
Ability | Description |
Swift Strike | Stuns Zombies for a second. Heals Genji upon dealing damage and when an elimination is earned. |
Ability | Description |
Knocking Blow [Melee] | Stun and knockback a zombie when punching them. |
Ability | Description |
Frag Launcher | Killing a Zombie will cause them to explode, dealing huge damage to surrounding Zombies. |
RIP-Tire | Gain increased resistance during its duration. |
Treasure Hunter [Passive] | Gain health for each kill. |
Ability | Description |
Healing Ofuda | Instantly heal injuries or apply brief resistance to healthy targets. |
Swift Step | Teleport to Survivors or Zombies. |
Protection Suzu | Apply brief invincibility and heal Survivors or slow Zombies. |
Ability | Description |
Soundwave [Crouch] | Crouch and Soundwave to knock yourself backwards. Deals increased damage during [Crossfade: Heal] or increased knockback to Zombies during [Crossfade: Speed]. |
Crossfade: Heal | Increases attack power and resistance. |
Crossfade: Speed | Increases projectile speed and reduces weight. |
Sound Barrier | Lifts surrounding Zombies into the air, temporarily stuns them and damages them. |
Ability | Description |
Peacekeeper | Reload 1 ammo when an elimination is earned with it. |
Combat Roll | Gain increased resistance while rolling and temporarily increased movement speed at the end of it. |
Magnetic Grenade | Stuns Zombies. |
Deadeye | Gain increased resistance during its duration and restore health for every Zombie hit. |
Ability | Description |
Endothermic Blaster [Primary Fire] | Instantly freezes Zombies. Is used as an ability and will go on cooldown after use. |
Cryo-Freeze | Temporarily freezes surrounding Zombies. |
Ability | Description |
Caduceus Staff [Primary Fire/Secondary Fire] | Heals or increases the resistance of a targeted Survivor. |
Ability | Description |
Biotic Grasp [Primary Fire] | Pushes away Zombies. |
Biotic Orb: Heal | Temporarily reveals nearby Zombies. |
Ability | Description |
Delayed Explosion [Ability 2] | Start a delayed explosion, which will damage surrounding zombies, and gain increased resistance during the countdown. |
Ability | Description |
Rocket Hammer | Hit with the edge of your hammer to land a Critical Hit, which will slow Zombies and deal extra damage. Hitting the furthest you can will land a stronger Super Critical Hit. |
Barrier Field | Pushes away Zombies. |
Fire Strike | Burns and slows Zombies. |
Earthshatter | Fully restores health. |
Regeneration | Slowly regenerate health after not taking damage for a while. |
Ability | Description |
Take a Breather | Temporarily increases resistance and attack power. |
Ability | Description |
Power Punch [Melee] | Pushes away and briefly slows Zombies hit. |
Kinetic Grasp | Reduces gravity during use. |
Gravitic Flux | Weakens all zombies and causes them to float upwards. |
Ability | Description |
Rail Gun Alt Fire | Restore some health. |
Power Slide | Sliding off Zombies will damage them. |
Brief Booster [Costs 25% Ultimate] | Trade 25% Ultimate to gain brief invincibility and temporary health. |
Soldier: 76
Ability | Description |
Biotic Field | Creates a dome that Zombies cannot pass through. |
Downed [Passive] | Instead of dying right away, Soldier: 76 will temporarily become downed and can be revived by another Survivor. |
Ability | Description |
Hack | Deals huge damage to Zombies. |
Invincibility Dome [Ultimate] | Creates a dome that causes Survivors to become invincible while inside. |
Ability | Description |
Teleporter [Ability 2] | Create a one-way teleporter. Survivors may optionally use it while Zombies are automatically teleported by it. |
Root [Ultimate] | Causes surrounding Zombies to become rooted in place. |
Ability | Description |
Lava Bubble [Ability 1] | Set down a Lava Bubble that will burn Zombies who enter it. |
Ability | Description |
Blink | Has only 1 charge. |
Early Warning [Passive] | Can see nearby Zombies and Zombies who have her in their sights. |
Refill [Passive] | Earning an elimination will reload some of Tracer's ammo. |
Ability | Description |
Widow's Kiss [Primary Fire] | Pushes back Zombies. |
Widow's Kiss [Secondary Fire] | Restore health when an elimination is earned. Stuns Zombies with a headshot. |
Venom Mine | Slows affected Zombies. |
Infra-Sight | Aiming down a Zombie will reveal them to other Survivors. |
Ability | Description |
Rage [Passive] | Becomes stronger the lower health Winston has. |
Ability | Description |
Orb of Destruction | Burns and weakens Zombies while also restoring some health. |
Chain Explosion [Passive] | Zombies killed by Zenyatta's burn will explode, burning surrounding Zombies. Zombies affected by the explosions will also explode, and so on. |