
Splatoon! by Jao by Jao#11101

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Video Showcase


  • Hero: Moira
  • Ray cast CIRCLE is your Aim Cross-hair.
  • [Primary fire] creates smoke aka splat.
  • [Secondary fire] destroys enemy team splat and creates your team splat.
  • [Jump] propels you enough to reach high platforms.
  • Players will teleport to the Objective point every round.
  • Custom Scoring and Fancy HUD-texts
  • After certain number of effects created, a (10) seconds countdown is started where you can destroy enemy splats and gather as much points.

Other information to take note:

  • Primary energy capacity is reduced to limit over-creation of effects.
  • Cross-hair must be place directly on top of the enemy splat to destroy it.
  • Player must be standing on point AND cursor must be inside the objective to create a splat.
  • If you manage to go past the barrier wall, Slow status will be applied. (Go back to the objective area)
  • You can only splat the objective point area.
  • You are prohibited to create a splat outside the point.

Future developments

  • Improving the game especially destroying effects.

Please give feedbacks for future developments.
@ Discord: Jhaooo#0848

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