
Big torb boss

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Big Torbjörn & Tiny Reinhardt Brawl: Teamwork Takes Down Titans!


This Overwatch gamemode pits two massive bosses against a team of regular heroes. Work together as Big Torbjörn and his sidekick Baby Reinhardt to crush the enemy team, or strategize as the heroes to take down these mighty opponents.


Big Torbjörn:
Rages periodically, boosting power and mobility.
Super jumps to reach high ground.
Unleashes his ultimate at low health.
Baby Reinhardt:
Provides support and distraction for Torbjörn.
Difficult to target.

Can taunt to deal double damage for a short time.

Dynamic Scaling:

Bosses gain resistance if they fall behind.
Teams automatically switch to boss roles if needed.
Boss health adjusts based on player count.


Tracks damage dealt and current boss health.

Can the bosses overpower the hero team?

Can the heroes strategize and defeat the mighty duo?

This unique brawl demands teamwork, cunning, and quick reactions. Prepare for an epic clash of titans!

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