
Mercy Rework

By: GreenArcane Code: YXN81

What is it? A Mercy rework that aims to emphasize skillful plays, (such as getting clutch rezzes, juggling/saving low health pools, taking fire/distracting and movement) help mercy out of the weak spot she is currently in, and make mercy a little less reliant on teamates.

How will this affect hero strength? This is not meant to make her overpowered, but to change her for the better. This does make her stronger, but not overpowered by any means. I think you will find the changes very reasonable.

If you have questions or comments concerning balance, the workshop code, and/or anything please comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can!

Mercy Changes:

Health pool:
-Increased to 250 (from 225)

Sympathetic Recovery:

-No longer is based on the amount of healing done, but instead a consistent amount (25 Healing Per second)
-Now Grants ult charge for self-healing done
-Now heals mercy even if target is full

Caduceus Staff:

-Triage Healing re-introduced
-Now heals for 30% less when target is above half health (42 Healing per second)
-Now heals for 15% more when target is below half health (69 healing per second)

Dev Notes: This rewards prioritizing constant health pool management, and disincentivize pocketing as with the lower healing above 50% hp and dps passive, you will most likely not be able to top people off completely.

Guardian Angel:

-No longer requires ally for flight
-Removed secondary jump propulsion action
-Removed secondary vertical crouch jump action
-Cooldown increased to 2 seconds (from 1.5 seconds)

Dev Notes: This aims to decrease reliance of allies, but is nerfed to compensate


-Removed speed penalty during animation
-Now grants 2 seconds of invunerabilty after succesful resurrect

Dev Notes: This aims to reward clutch rezzes during teamfights. With the current resurrect, you never feel safe enough to do so as it will almost always be a trade. Now if the enemy team allows you to complete the rez in front of them, you will be granted 2 second window of time to get away. You will still most likely be low health, but now there is not a 100% guarantee the mercy will trade if she is allowed to fully complete a resurrect.


-Decreased duration to 12 seconds (from 15 seconds)

Dev Notes: This changes is mostly justified because of the increase ult charge rate mercy will be getting. She will get her ultimate more often in general if she has been taking fire and utilizing ult charge gain from sympathetic Recovery and healing allies with lower pools of health. If she does not do so, she will get it less often than before. Overall her ultimate should charge faster factoring in good gameplay, but be worse because of that.

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