
Mad Bags: Beyond the Tea-Bag Dome by MegaDrive#11741

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Behold the Tea-Bag Dome!

The Tea-Bag Dome

Once inside the dome, inflicting damage to enemies will not kill them. Instead, when their health reach 1 they will be knocked down. This is the perfect moment to reach them and teabag the poor little bastards!

Points are gained either by knocking down and teabagging the other players.

Teabagging a knocked down enemy

There is a fully detailed tutorial that can be accessed from the game's menu.

The game's menu

The tutorial will provide you with full instructions about the gameplay, the score system, how the dome works, how the objects inside the dome interact with the heroes and the rules that the players must abide by.

The game's tutorial

Hope you guys enjoy!

Best regards, MegaDrive#11741.

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