
Hack To Kill

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

General Information

Hack an opponent to kill them! Really is as simple as that. This gamemode comes with fully functional Sombra AI to fill the space while you wait for other players to join in as well as 4 different gamemodes to choose from by modifying the CONFIG rules.


Dummy Bots

[Default set to enabled but can be changed in the config, see below for more information]
AI controlled Sombras can be optionally enabled to fight against players. These AI will prioritise the gametypes objectives over killing (if the objective isn't to kill) and will attempt to hack unsuspecting players. They are available in 3 different difficulties: easy [default], medium or hard.

Easy Difficulty

AI will simply attempt to hack opponents and not use any other aspects of their kits

Medium Difficulty

  • AI will attempt to hack opponents and use stealth if they cannot see opponents
  • If their hack is cancelled they will either attempt to defend themselves or retreat
  • They use EMP if they detect an enemy is within range.

Hard Difficulty

  • AI will do everything listed in Medium
  • AI will attempt to translocate if they detect an enemy is using EMP
  • AI will attempt to cancel enemies hack attempts with primary fire


[Default set to 1 (FFA) but can be changed in the config, see below for more information]
Aside from regular FFA, this workshop preset comes with unique gametypes to add extra variety. They are titled as follows with the number in the brackets as their gametype ID: (2) Chase, (3) Survival and (4) Assassinate.


  • A player at the start of the match possess a diamond
  • While a player holds the diamond, they passively obtain 1 point every 5s
  • If the player who holds the diamond is killed, the killer steals the diamond off them


  • Each round, players have 1 life and must fight before the timer hits 0
  • If 1 player is alive, they receive 1 point and the round ends
  • If timer hits 0, the round is declared as a draw and ends
  • The game ends once a player wins 3 rounds


NOTE: This gametype will not start until at least 3 players spawn

  • Each player is assigned a target and must eliminate them to earn a point
  • If a player dies to their target, they lose a point and are assigned a new target
  • The game ends once a player earns 10 points

Configuration Options

Found underneath the debugging rules, the host player can change certain settings for this workshop code. The instructions on how to change settings are found on each settings' rule name.


  • This option allows the player to set the gametype for the next match (default set to 1 - FFA)

Enable/Disable Dummy Bots

  • This option allows the player to choose whether to allow dummy bots (default set to true)

AI Difficulty

  • This option allows the player to adjust the AI's difficulty (default set to 1 - Easy)

Dummy Bot Amount

  • This option allows the player to adjust the amount of dummy bots that will spawn (default set to 1)

Limit Stealth Duration

  • This option allows the player to choose whether Stealth should have a maximum duration of 6s [default set to true]
  • Optionally, the host could change the number before the wait command if they wish to modify the duration
  • AI will ignore this rule and always have infinite Stealth duration

Assassinate Score Requirement

  • Determines the amount of score needed for a player to win in the Assassinate gametype (default 10)

Survival Score Requirement

  • Determines the amount of score needed for a player to win in the Survival gametype (default 3)

Known issues

  • Not all maps are compatible
  • If the player count in Assassinate drops below 3 after the game starts, the game does not end
    • As such, its possible to get no target in this scenario
  • In rare circumstances, a player could get no target in Assassinate
  • In Survival, if all but 1 player is eliminated before 20s have passed, the round does not end until the aforementioned criteria is reached

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